Chapter 1

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"DAMN IT!" You screamed to yourself and smacked the side of your laptop.  Was the internet connection in your small apartment always this spotty?  It seemed as though every time you needed to log into an important class session or finish some homework your internet always gave out.

You sighed to yourself and hung your head.  Maybe you should hook up your own router instead of using the free wifi provided by your building, but saving money to help pay off college sooner was in your best interest, so shitty wifi it was.

You looked back to the computer screen and cracked your knuckles.  "Alright, let's see if you'll kick me out of class for the third time today," you said in a challenging tone as you pressed the button to log into the live class meeting again.

As you re-entered the virtual classroom, you prayed that the symbols of no video and no mic on were telling the truth and sat back in your seat, listening to the rest of what the professor had to say.  You eyed at your cute profile avatar as the professor droned on about the history of some ancient civilization and smiled to yourself, noting how cute you looked.  You had picked the best image of yourself you could find, wearing pastel colors in a field of flowers, a big bright smile on your face.  You had hoped someone in the class would notice how cute you looked and would maybe shoot you an email, but you doubted something like that would happen.  Even still, it was fun to imagine.

"...and finally we will discuss the final project for this class.  I know you guys only have a month left of school, but I believe you can push through and complete this project by the end of the school year.  To minimize the amount of work you have to do, I'll have you all work in partners," the professor stated.  You snapped out of your daydreams at the word 'partners,' the fear of having to actually interact with someone random setting in.  You really didn't have to speak out in class at all, and even if you wanted some cutie to hit you up, you were still too shy to pick a partner for a project.

"I'll have you guys just pick who you want your partners to be.  You guys can message each other using the group chat on the right side of the screen, and at the end of the class I'll write up the groups.  If you don't have a partner by then, I'll just have to randomly assign you," he then said, and the chat started buzzing.  You read messages buzzing by quickly, making sure if you did ask someone, they wouldn't already have a partner.

'Okay well, I'll ask one of the girls in class, hopefully then we can be more comfortable with each other,' you thought as you quickly scrolled through the list of names of class attendees, noting who's name hadn't been messaged yet.  You stumbled upon someone called 'Alexis' and saw no one had asked her yet, so you typed at lightning speed asking 'Hey Alexis, wanna be my partner?'

(NOTE: reader is interested in guys, hence being more comfortable talking to girls)

You nervously waited as more messages passed by asking other people to partner up with them, until you saw one pop up from Alexis.

'Okay, sure,' it read, and you smiled like crazy.

While Alexis had no picture for her avatar, you bet she was super pretty and you hoped you'd become the best of friends.  And if not, that at least you would get along for the project.

At the end of the class, the professor asked for everyone to list off their partners, and you smiled as you got to write that you and Alexis were partners.  As you closed the tab of your class meeting, you pondered if you should message Alexis first, or if you should message her right away, or what you would even say.  Your heart beat fast, excited that you managed to step even a little bit out of your comfort zone.  You weren't an overly introverted person, but with the pandemic going on and basically staying inside all day, your social interaction had gone down to zero, and you wished for someone to talk to.

Hopefully Alexis was your someone.

Partner (Quackity x Reader Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now