Chapter 7

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You didn't remember how you managed to end up in Alex's apartment, your head filled with all sorts of thoughts.  You couldn't think straight, your face red hot as you sat on his chair, in his kitchen, in his APARTMENT.  You couldn't believe that Alex had asked you to come over, and now you were sitting in his kitchen, staring down at your notebooks to focus on anything else.

Alex was twirling his pencil in his hand, his head resting in his other hand, elbow propped up on the table.  He sighed and you looked up at him, clutching your pencil in your hand tightly.

"This is so boring.  We've been working on this for hourssssss....," he leaned back in his chair and stretched with his arms over his head.  You couldn't help admire how strong his arms looked in that position, his shoulders popping out in such a hot way.  You almost felt yourself drooling and turned your head sharply to look anywhere else.  You saw the digital clock on his stove and laughed a bit to yourself.

"It's only been 30 minutes since we got here," you said with a little laugh, turning back to see him giving you a smirk.  You blushed a bit again, and looked back down at your notes.

"Welp, I'm super bored, we can take a break if you'd like," he smiled at you more, and you looked up to see Alex with bright eyes and a big grin on his face.  Your stomach did a flip and you felt butterflies start to emerge as you stared at his cute face.

"Wh...what do you want to do instead then?" You asked cautiously.  You then remembered his youtube channel and your face flushed a deep red at the thought of making a video with Quack-Alex.  He was Alex to you.  Quackity was some online persona Alex had, you were sure of it.  The two days you spent with him weren't much, but he was so different in person.  You felt special, knowing a different side to him that all of his thousands of followers.

"We could play minecraft or something, I know you're into that," he smiled sweetly at you.

"Oh, okay then," you felt relieved, and huffed out the nervous breath you were holding.

"JEEZ, what did you think we were gonna do?  You're as red as a tomate!" Alex laughed a bit before he got up and went to his couch.

You didn't think it was possible to blush even more than you already were, but you had to cover your face with your hands to hide your embarrassment.  Alex's use of Spanish made it 10 times worse, as you thought that was super fucking adorable.


Alex had hooked up his Xbox and started up minecraft, and you guys had been playing for around an hour before you yawned.

"You tired of minecraft already Partner?" Alex giggled at you.  You looked at his cute smile and felt your stomach turn a bit again, but you kept your cool.

"I didn't get much sleep last night...," You said honestly, and felt yourself yawn as you talked about sleep.

"Oh," he said seriously, and shut off the minecraft game.  You looked at him puzzled before he stuck out his hand to take your controller.  You gingerly handed it over, and he got up to put the controllers away.

Alex left you alone in the living room for a second before he returned with a blanket and a throw pillow.  You were still confused before he threw them at you and you had to react fast so you wouldn't get hit in the face.  He laughed at you.

"You can take a nap here, tonta," Alex grinned at you.  Your face heated up at the thought of sleeping over at Alex's place, but you were super tired and you did need to sleep.  Maybe a short nap wouldn't hurt?

"Thank you...," You said quietly, as you laid down and shut your eyes.

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