Chapter 11

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After a delicious lunch made by Alex, you two continued to work on the project, before both eventually getting fed up and going to play minecraft again.  You were having genuine fun with him, shouting as he hit you off into the ravine and trolling him, replacing all of his items with seeds.  You hadn't gamed in a while so he was constantly making fun of how much of a noob you were, but you just retorted with how 'streaming video games for a living wasn't your thing.'

"You don't think you could stream?  You're pretty funny, I think people would enjoy watching you," Alex said casually, still focused in on the game.  You blushed a bit, looking over at the male sitting besides you.  'He thinks I'm funny?' you thought to yourself, and smiled a tiny smile, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"I'm definitely not as funny as you, and I'm way too shy," you said laughing a bit, before you focussed in on the game yourself.  Alex paused the game right as you were mid-battle with a skeleton, and right before you went to yell at him, you saw him looking at you with a look you had never been given before.

"I bet you could do it," he smiled at you, and you blushed a bit, before sticking your tongue out at him and unpausing the game.  He chuckled a bit to himself as he went back to playing also, but still continuing the conversation.

"I'm serious y/n, I bet if I streamed playing with you people would go insane asking about you, and not just because you're pretty," Alex said laughing, and you felt yourself flush deeply at him calling you pretty.  You didn't know he thought you were pretty, and you wondered if he liked you back the way you liked him.  Alex looked at you out of the corner of his eye and smiled, before looking back at the screen with an evil grin.

"Oh, sorry, did I say pretty?  I meant pretty ugly," he laughed loudly, having to throw his hand down and hit his knee at the hilarious joke.  You looked at him with the most 'I'm going to kill you face' you could muster up, before pouting and pausing the game.

"Hey, unpause it," Alex turned to you, to see you sitting with your arms crossed, head turned up at his words.

"N o," You said, "I only play with nice people."

"Commonnnnnn y/n, it was a joke!" he said, knowing you weren't really hurt by his words, but still wanting to make up with you.

"Nope.  Nothing you say can convince me otherwise," you retorted, turning your head the other direction.

"Hmmmm....," Alex thought out loud to himself, "Nothing I SAY will get you to concede?  What about if I do this," you heard him say mischievously.  Before you could turn your head back to see what he was going to do, you felt Alex's hands at your side as he moved his fingers rapidly, tickling you.

You burst out laughing and tried swatting his hands away, but you weren't fast enough to get his hands off of you.  Alex was laughing with you, and you thought it was super cute, but you also hated him in the moment for tickling you.  You felt yourself slide lower and lower down the couch as he continued to tickle you, until you finally managed to grab his wrists and move them away, telling him to stop or you'd pee yourself.

You opened your eyes from laughing and stared at an Alex hovering over you, extremely close to your face.  He was smirking at you, and you were unable to conceal the heavy blush moving over your face.  You gauged the position you two were in, Alex supporting himself above you on a knee positioned dangerously close to your crotch, his wrists held by you right in front of his shoulders, which you felt yourself look at before quickly looking back up at his face.  Alex's face, only inches away from yours.  You could feel his gentle breath on your face, and you wondered if he could feel your harsh one on his, being slightly out of breath from being tickled so much.

"Do you concede?" Alex wiggled his eyebrows at you, before you burst out laughing again at how silly he looked, the nervousness in you erupting out.  You looked into his eyes, and with a challenging smile, you responded, "Never."

Alex suddenly twisted his hands out from his grip and dropped them to the couch, resting at your sides, but not tickling you.  He was holding himself up now, and he slowly lowered himself onto you until your noses touched.  You could feel your heart beating faster and faster, wondering if he could hear it, wondering if he could see the deep red on your face.

"Do you concede now?" Alex said again, a smirk in his voice as he stared into your eyes, noses still touching.  You were wondering what he'd do if you said no again, but you weren't sure you were brave enough to find out.  You inhaled sharply, wondering what to say, and what would happen next, but you decided to go for it anyways.

"No," you challenged Alex again, staring straight into his brown eyes.  You admired the shape and color of them, wondering how a person could manage to have such gorgeous eyes.  You saw the corners of his lips turn up in a smirk, and you were about to try and shove him off to protect yourself from more tickles, but then Alex moved his head to the side and lowered his lips down onto yours.

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