Chapter 3

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"What?" You looked at the boy with a puzzled expression.  'Did he just say he was Alexis?  I had a TOTALLY different idea in my head!  Oh GOD- AND he caught me staring at his cute face!  What am I going to do?  This is so embarrassing!!' you thought to yourself, looking away slightly feeling your face flush as he still stared at you, arm outstretched.

"I said 'hi partner, my name is Alexis, but you can call me Alex?" He repeated himself, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.  You turned back to face him and searched his face for an answer, but you found none.

"I thought... Uhm, I thought you were going to be a girl....." You stammered out, your face on fire now as you knew he could see you blushing from embarrassment.  You covered your face with your hands as he brought his hand back to his side, eyes wide.

"Oh, I get that.  Damn, sorry I'm not what you expected haha," Alex scratched the back of his head and laughed a nervous laugh, trying to ease the tension between you.  You brought your hands from your face into your lap and sighed, staring down at your legs.

"No, it's my bad for assuming.  You don't have a profile picture on the classroom list so I had no idea what you looked like, I guess I just pictured someone completely different haha...," you said awkwardly, grasping your fingers together tightly under the table, hoping the awkward atmosphere would go away faster.

"No big deal, I've had that shit happen a few times before, so I'm used to it," he smiled at you, and you felt your legs go weak.  The natural light only seemed to do wonders to his appearance, and you were drawn in.  As you stalled a bit too long just staring at him, you cleared your throat and turned away, hoping you weren't blushing too badly.

"So uhm, should we get started reviewing out plan for the project?  I don't want to sit here awkwardly too much longer," you nervously smiled, to which he laughed a bit.

"Yeah sure, Partner," he said in a joking tone, like he was making a light joke of your misunderstanding.  It was kind of dorky and you loved that, little butterflies sparking in your stomach as you tried to focus on the History project in front of you.


After you reviewed the project guidelines and came up with a solid idea, you heard your stomach growl and checked to see what time it was, the clock nearing 4:30.  You blushed a bit at the noise your stomach made and hoped Alex didn't hear it, but he just giggled to himself.

"Looks like someone's hungry," he smiled at you, and you instantly wished you could memorize the way his eyes looked when he smiled.  Thank goodness you had a month left to work with him, even if it was only a month.

"We can wrap up now if you want," Alex said as he started putting his books away.  You felt your heart drop as you knew that your time with him was up, and you started packing up too, going as painfully slow as you could to drag out your time with him.  As you turned to tell him goodbye, he interrupted you.

"So, where do you want to eat?  I don't think this coffee shop has very many options, so we could walk down to the Burger King a few blocks away if you'd like," he smiled at you, and your heart almost exploded.  Alex wanted to eat dinner with you?  This felt like if he has asked you on a date.

Your face turned all red as you stammered out sure.  "Oh! I have some Burger King coupons in my bag gimme a second...," you said as you rummaged through your bag quickly.  You stopped as you heard Alex laugh, and you turned to face him, taking in how pretty he really was.

You got up and started walking with him in the direction of Burger King, blushing as you realized people might think you guys were a couple, walking together down the street.


After your Burger King dinner, you both grabbed your bags and walked out, awkward silence ringing in the air.  You wanted to turn to see his face, but you were too embarrassed to look at him, so you just looked down at your feet as you walked together, not knowing where you were exactly going.

You guys had a nice dinner, followed by a wonderful discussion about school, video games, and the newest memes.  You hadn't laughed like that in a long time, and you were so thankful for meeting Alex, and wished you could see him everyday.

You were about to thank him for having dinner with you, before he interrupted you again.

"The sun is setting soon, do you wanna catch the sunset with me?"

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