Chapter 21

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"What's my relationship with Y/n?  Well......"Alex dragged out.  

Your heart stopped.  You were finally going to figure out what he thought of you, and you were as excited as you were nervous.  You hoped he would say you were more than friends, but what if he didn't?  What if Alex said you were just friends?  Your anxious thoughts took over in an instant and you felt tears start to well up in your eyes.  You shut them tightly and waited to hear Alex's answer.

"That's a secret chat," Alex said, a smile on his face.  You opened one eye and looked at him, the sweetest smile on his adorable face.  You were still confused about what he thought you two were, but his response did make you relax a little.  At least he wasn't going to reveal it on stream, hopefully he'd talk to you about it first.

You weren't even sure what you wanted your relationship with him to be.  A significant other?  Had you guys been hanging out long enough to even be dating?  Was he just a friend that you occasionally fooled around with?  Did he even consider you as a friend?  Your mind was racing with anxious thoughts as you left your apartment, heading over to pick up Alex.

As you parked outside and waited for him, your heart beat fast and your stomach did turns.  Were you always this nervous to see him?  What were you going to talk about over dinner?  Would he bring up what happened during the ending of the stream?  Maybe he said your relationship was a secret because he was confused about it too, or maybe he knows what he wants but hasn't told you yet.

Alex knocked on your window and smiled at you, gesturing for you to unlock the door.  You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't see him come up to the window.  You blushed and opened the door, Alex laughing as he got in your car.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Alex giggled at you, a smile on his face and in his eyes.  He must care about you at least somewhat, right?  Otherwise he wouldn't act that way around you, you knew he felt something for you.  He did, right?

"What do you think of me," you blurted out, not thinking about it.  You gasped and covered your mouth, your head spinning and face flushed with embarrassment.  Alex looked surprised at you, unspeaking.

This was it.  You had ruined it.

"I, uhm, I meant like, uhm..." you tried to explain yourself, "I saw the end of the stream where someone asked what our relationship was and I was confused by your answer and I don't even know what we are and I'm not even sure if you like me like that...," you stopped yourself.  You wanted to throw up.  You had just opened up to Alex about everything and you weren't even sure if he would listen or even care.  You couldn't even look at him, you were too embarrassed.  Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and you couldn't see, the streetlights blurring your teary vision.

You felt Alex's hand gently grasp your jaw and turn your face to look at him, but you looked down, tears streaming down your face now.  He put both of his hands on your face and wiped the tears from your cheeks, the warmth of his hands bringing you a bittersweetness you'd never felt before.

Alex leaned in and kissed you, and you started to cry more.  He leaned over and hugged you, gently moving your head to rest on his shoulder.  It felt good to cry into him, having someone to comfort you in the moment.

As your mind settled a bit and you tears stopped coming, Alex leaned back and made you look at him again.  You were worried to see his straight face and hear him reject you, but instead he looked at you shyly with a red face.

"Y/n....," Alex started, looking away before quickly looking back into your eyes.

"I like you."

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