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You yawned as you scrambled the eggs in the pan below you.  Alex was sitting on your futon watching the local news on the television, humming to himself lightly.  You had heard him sing joke songs to his friends for his videos, but his hum was much deeper and more beautiful than you had imagined.  It brought peace to you as you cooked breakfast for both of you, humming along with him ever so quietly so he couldn't hear you.

You handed Alex his plate of eggs and bacon and sat besides him, furiously munching on a slice of toast as you reached for the remote to change the channel.  The news was also so tragic to you, and you wanted to keep the good spirit up, so you switched channels until you found some old re-runs of iCarly.  Alex's face lit up as he laughed, telling you he loved this show, even though you already knew he did.  You smiled in return, then turned back to watch some quality comedy with your favorite person.

After watching a few episodes, Alex turned the tv off and you turned to face him, puzzled why he turned off the show.  You were confronted with his arms around you once again, pulling you practically on-top of him, Alex leaning back into the futon more.  You melted into his touch and hugged him back, hands resting on the blades of his shoulders.  You loved the way they felt under your fingertips, the firm yet soft feel of his muscles.  You breathed his scent in deeply, admiring and memorizing what he smelt like, a mixture of something you had never experienced before in your life.

"Alex...," you started, before Alex shushed you.

"I know you might still be worried from before, I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he whispered to you, setting his cheek touching yours, face in your hair.  You felt his warm breath tickle your ear and a shiver went down your spine, before Alex's hands ran up and down your back slowly.  It was comforting as it was sensual, the ticklish feeling driving you insane.

"I'm okay," you whispered, hugging him deeper, "and I want to be okay doing things with you...," you started, before shifting your weight so you could sit atop Alex's thighs, staring deep into his eyes.  You could see him flush, a bright red emerging on his cute face.  You knew you were blushing too, based on how hot your face was coupled with how embarrassed you felt, but you didn't want to back down.  You wanted this, and you didn't want to stand in your own way.


Alex leaned in and kissed you, to which you delightfully kissed him back, his hands situated on your waist as yours roughly moved to his hair, causing his beanie to fall off.  But Alex didn't stop.  As you tried to tell him and grab his beanie for him, he moved down to kissing your jaw and neck, gently nibbling and sucking on your skin.  You let out a hiss as you sharply inhaled, feeling consumed by his touch.

Alex's hands grabbed the hem of your shirt and you froze a bit, thinking about whether or not you were comfortable with this.  Alex didn't seem to move any further though, waiting your approval patiently.  You knew you really wanted to see him shirtless again, but you knew you'd have to be shirtless too.  You were uncomfortable getting naked in front of people, but you trusted Alex, and weren't afraid to let him see you.  You decided that you were comfortable with him taking your shirt off, and you grabbed his hands lightly, moving them upwards to remove the shirt, giving him the hint he needed.

Alex threw your shirt off to the side and reached for the hem of his, breaking away from you to remove his own shirt.  You stared at his bare chest and felt your face heat up even more, and he chuckled at you, also eyeing you up and down.

"Y...your beanie....," you felt yourself stutter out, looking at the way his hair fell freely around his gorgeous face.  You could really admire how his hair framed his face nicely, not pulled back by his beanie.

"You can see me without it....," Alex whispered in your ear before nibbling on it, making your back arch a bit.

"Can...can I touch you?" you said quietly.  Alex pulled away, looking at you directly, before blushing a bit himself.

"Yes," he responded, before turning his head, possibly too embarrassed to look at you.

Your hands drifted from his shoulders downwards into his chest, feeling the definition and tracing the lines in-between his muscles and bones.  You could feel his heart beating excessively, and you wanted to hear it better, to know exactly how you were making Alex feel.  You scooted back a bit and leaned your head onto his chest, hearing just how fast his heart was racing.  You did all of this to him, and you were proud.

You moved your head and faced him, the red on his cheeks very apparent, and you kissed him gently, wanting to grow the heat that danced between you.  Alex's hands gripped your waist firmly as he pulled you close, only for you to gasp and grip his shoulders tightly, your crotches now touching.  The friction shared between you two only made it more intense, the feeling making your legs twitch in response.

"Can...can I do this?" Alex huffed out quietly, face now resting on your shoulder, the embarrassment finally getting to him.  Alex moved you a bit on his lap and you felt what he meant, rubbing you two together gently.  You heard him let out a sweet, tiny noise and your body went wild, wanting to hear his more.

"Yes, please," you responded, accompanying his motions by swaying your hips with his hands, now earning small noises from both parties.

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