Chapter 2

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You woke up early the next day, earlier than you normally would.  You could barely sleep last night, the excitement of even the slightest bit of human interaction keeping you up.  You were so excited to message Alexis, and hoped that she'd be willing to meet you in person, respecting each others boundaries with everything going on though.

You opened your laptop and went to your school email, hovering over the 'compose message' button for a minute as you thought of what to say, before finally clicking on it.  You typed in Alexis' email and titled the subject line 'History Project.'

You didn't know how to start, but you wanted to meet with her as soon as possible, so you decided to just go for it.

'Hey Alexis!  I'm your partner for our Final Project for History!  Just wondering if you'd like to meet online or in person, and what times would work for you,' you wrote, then adding the times you were free (which was most if not all of the time) and finishing it off with your name.

You hesitated for a few seconds before pressing send.  After you did though, you closed your laptop suddenly and hugged your shoulders with your arms, hoping everything would go okay.  You got up and walked to your kitchen, making some breakfast to start off the day.


As you got dressed and dried your hair from your shower, you walked back over to your desk and opened your computer to check your emails and see what homework you had to do for the day.  As you opened the email tab, you saw that Alexis had responded to your email, and you opened it immediately.

'Hey Y/n- I'm okay with meeting in person.  I don't have anything planned today so if you'd like to meet up later today that would be fine.  Like maybe around 3?'

You smiled to yourself and responded as quickly as you could, 'Sure! Here's my number xxx-xxx-xxxx, message me where you'd like to meet up and I can meet you there at 3 :)'

You pressed send and slammed your laptop closed again, quickly standing up and looking in the mirror, wondering if you should change into something nicer.  While you were only meeting up to work on a project, you wondered if Alexis would look nice and if you should match her aesthetics.  From her emails, she sounded pretty chill, so she probably had a really dope fashion sense and was super gorgeous, so you had to look nice.

You rushed to pack your laptop and History book/notes in your bag before you went to change and do your makeup, so you could have as much time as you needed to look nice for your new friend.


You slung your backpack across your shoulders and fixed your hair as you slipped on your shoes, walking out the door and locking in behind you.  You had styled your hair super cute with a flower in your right ear, hoping it would make your outfit feel more like Summer, going along with your shorts and white top.  You went with a super natural makeup look and some wacky shaped shades as well, hoping Alexis would think you looked as nice as she probably did.

Alexis had texted you to meet her at a local coffee shop near the college you both attended.  Your apartment was super close to your school, so you just walked to the coffee shop, making sure you texted Alexis once you got there.  She replied that she would be there in a few minutes, so you ordered a small coffee and found a nice place to sit as you waited for her.

You had your picture on your profile in class, so she must know what you looked like, so you weren't worried that she'd be able to find you.  But even as you looked at memes on your phone, your heart couldn't but beat faster as you got more and more nervous to meet her.  You really wanted to make a new friend, and you were hoping that she'd want to be friends too.

As you focussed in on your phone, you saw movement in front of you as someone sat down in the seat across from you, putting their backpack on the ground besides them.  You looked up and expected to see some beautiful girl in a stunning outfit, but what you were met with shocked you.

Sitting in front of you was a brown-eyed, brown-haired boy wearing a puma beanie, despite the warm weather.  He wore a black button up rolled up at his elbows paired with some black jeans and some sneakers.  He stared off to the left awkwardly, resting his right arm on the table, his face in hand.

You didn't know who this boy was, or why he sat with you, but you instantly admired how cute he was.

He looked over at you and jumped a tiny bit, unaware that you had finally stopped looking at your phone.  He outstretched his arm to you, as if wanting you to shake it.

"Uh, hey partner, I'm Alexis, but you can call me Alex."

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