Chapter 8

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You woke up suddenly, the apartment around you dark, and you couldn't remember where you were.  This didn't look like your apartment, from what you could barely make out in the dark.  You rubbed your eyes and yawned a tiny yawn before moving the blanket on top of you and sitting up.  You stood up and stretched your arms, the feeling of actually getting some sleep for once being such a nice feeling.  As you turned around to walk towards the kitchen you thought you remembered being behind you, your heart jumped as you saw someone sitting at the kitchen table in the dark.  You slowly walked forwards until you realized that it was Alex sitting in front of you, and he was sleeping.

You got closer to Alex to really see him in the dark.  You could make out his cute relaxed face and heard his little baby snores and thought that was the most adorable thing.  He had his arms crossed over his textbook and was resting his head on his arms.  You remembered that he offered you to take a nap because you said you were tired, but how much time had passed for Alex to fall asleep also?

You grabbed your phone off the table and turned it on, looking to see that it was the middle of the night.  You couldn't believe you had slept in Alex's apartment, and for this long at that.  You felt bad because he must have tired himself out studying or something while you slept, wondering if he got part of the project done without you.

You reached your hand over to gently pat his head, but stopped yourself.  What if he woke up and thought you were weird?  While his hair did look soft and he had such a cute face, you couldn't risk your friendship or whatever with Alex just to pat his head.  You instead moved your hand to rest on his shoulder, jostling him slightly to wake him up.

"Mmmhhh...?" Alex murmured out quietly, raising his head a bit to look in your direction.

"Alex," You whispered to him, and moved his shoulder a bit more before removing your hand, as he yawned and moved his arms out from beneath him.

"Mmmmm... Yeah Y/n?" Alex said, rubbing his eyes and moving the book out from under him.

"It's like the middle of the night and I'm still here....," You said, blushing a bit at that thought of staying over at Alex's place this late.

"It's fine...," Alex huffed out as he got out of his chair, "I can pull out the couch so you can be more comfortable."  He turned on the kitchen light before he walked to the couch.

"What?" You said confused, tilting your head slightly at him.

"The couch is a pull out couch, it turns into a bed, tonta," Alex still managed to tease you despite being half asleep.  You stopped for a moment to think before you realize he meant for you to stay over the entire night.

"WHAT?" You shouted a bit, feeling yourself blush.  You put your hands to your cheeks and squished your face together, "I...I could just walk home it's okay...."

"Yeah no, not at this hour.  You don't think that's a bad idea?" Alex cocked his head at you, a more serious tone in his voice, seeming like he was concerned.

"I mean yeah, but uh....," you started.  What was the downside of staying over at Alex's place besides you being super embarrassed about it?

"But uh......," Alex mocked you, "But nothing.  If you have class early in the morning I could just drop you off at your apartment so you could get ready then, but for now you get the pull out couch," he smiled to himself.

Alex moved the cushions you had just been resting on to pull out the couch into a bed, then threw the pillow and blanket back onto it.  You were embarrassed that you were staying over with him, but it was better than going on a middle of the night to try and find home.  You were just lucky you weren't sleeping in Alex's bed, you guessed.  Though, you also guessed sleeping with Alex would be pretty lucky as well.

"I really don't want to intrude...," you started again as Alex finished setting up your bed for the night.

"You really aren't," he laughed a bit, smiling at you, "The company is nice, actually," he said a bit quieter as he turned to go towards what you assumed was his bedroom.  You blushed heavily and your stomach turned at what he said.

"Night Y/n!" Alex said enthusiastically before shutting his bedroom door, leaving you an embarrassed mess on the couch.

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