Deku's Killing Joke AU Part 1

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Hatsume: "This one is gonna be a tragic one!"

Uraraka: "why, what's it about?"

Hastume: "er, well, it's about Izuku, in a world where quirks don't exist, where Izuku doesn't want to be a hero, but instead, wants to be a stand-up comedian"

Uraraka: "oh, really? That sounds great!"

Hastume: "well, y'see, Izuku isn't very good at his job"

Ochako: "huh? Why so?"

Hatsume: "Well, in this world, he wants to be a comedian, and no one laughs at his jokes, so he struggled to achieve his dreams, just watch and you'll get"

Ochako: "umm ok"

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The screen showed "Deku's Killing Joke" as it cut to a dark, nighttime, rainy apartments block as slow, somber music played

Tsu: "Hmm, this already seems sad, kero"

Izuku Midoriya, with normal non-green hair walked in to a pregnant adult Ochako Uraraka in a garish apartment

Aoyama: "Quelle maison dégoûtante"

Ochako: "Oh my Gosh, that's me, and I'm pregnant"

Inko: "Wait, what happened to his hair?"

Hatsume: "Well, in this world, quirks don't exist, so many things have changed, including hair color of course"

Ochako: So, how'd it go? Did they like your act?

Deku: I-I don't know, th-they said they might call me, I *sigh* I got nervous and blew a punchline

Lida: "poor Izuku"

Katsuki: "Of course they wouldn't laugh at that dumbasses jokes"

Tenya then scolded Katsuki with his usual karate-chop hands motion

Ochaco: "Aww man"

Ochako: oh

Deku: Whaddya mean 'oh'?

Ochako: I-I I didn't mean anything

Deku: yes you did, the way you said 'oh' just like that

Ochaco: "Jesus, all I said was oh"

Ochako: Jesus, all I said was--

Mina: jinx

Deku (interrupting): "You said 'oh' as in 'oh so you didn't get the job' as in 'oh I should've known' as in 'oh, so how are we gonna feed our baby?' You think I'm not worried about that?! You think it's all a big joke to me?" he said in anguish

Tsu: "things are kinda heating up"

Toru: "yeah..."

Deku: I have to go up on stage, and nobody laughs, and you think I don't care? You think I don't *cries to the point where it sounds like wheezing*

Momo: "Hmm, Izuku must've really loved her"

Katsuki: "tch, that stupid, dumbass, mentally-ill and retarded, shitty ass fuckerino son of a bitch shouldn't even have tried to be a stand-up comedian"

Lida wouldve tried scolding him but he was in pure shock for the amount of cursing he said in 2 seconds

Deku (continued): For crying out loud, the Japanese audience have nicknamed me Deku

Kaminari: "I bet the person who gave Izuku that nickname was Katsuki"

Katsuki: Shut the Hell up, you dollar-store off-brand Pikachu!"

Kaminari: "YO, what the fuck?!"

Deku (continued): ho-ho oh God, I'm sorry, I don't mean to take this out on you, you're suffering enough!

Ochako: "noo, Deku, I'm not suffering suffering"

Deku: having married to a loser

Ochako: "Izuku isn't a loser"

Ochako: honey, that isn-

Deku: yes it is true, I can't support you, or Jeannie!

Mina: who's Jeannie?

Tsu: "I think that's the baby of Ochako and Deku, kero"

Ochako: shhh, it'll be okay, the baby won't be here for another three months, Ms. Burkus would let us slide on the rent a little longer, she feels sorry for me

Deku: she hates me, she comes out the hallway to scowl at me everytime I leave the stairs, this place smells like cat-litter and old people, I just gotta get ya outta her before the baby comes, all I need is enough money to get us into a nice neighbourhood

Ochako: come here, I love you, job or no job, you make me laugh, and that should be enough

Ochaco: "Aww" as other girls said aww as well

Inko: "oh my god that was so cute"

Ochaco: "Hey, Mei, didn't you say this was tragic? I mean, it's sad, but not that bad, I guess?"

Mei: "uhh, well, we'll be getting into that"


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