The Assassination of Katsuki Bakugou by the coward Izuku Midoriya(mini-chapter)

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck fcuk fuck fuck, I accidentally deleted Villain AU pt. 2, I'm such a dumbass, here's a western chapter to fill in the void as I have to rewrite it with my memories, so without further ado, lessgo


-Wild West AU-

"Ooh, is this gonna have cowboys, Outlaws and guns and shit?" Kaminari asked. "Kinda." Mikumo said.

"Ooh, this is gonna be cool!" Mina said. Izuku, Momo and especially Melissa, Toshinori, Nezu knew about American history, enough so with the wild west.

We see Bakugou Katsuki, staring out a window, he had a solemn expression.

"Aww, what's up with our Bakugou?" Mina asked. "I didn't know he could pull of a sad face." Kaminari said

"SHUT IT SHITTY-HAIR!" Katsuki snapped.

He turned around. "Don't that picture look dusty?" he asked. Piano music came in. He approaches the picture of a horse slowly.

"WHY THE HELL DO I CARE ABOUT A FUCKING HORSE PICTURE?!" Katsuki asked yelling. "Bakubro does look pretty good in that suit." Kirishima said, Katsuki felt a smirk form in his mouth.

Katsuki walked slowly. Izuku had a distraught look before he stood up and stood behind him. Katsuki took a stool and stood on it to stare at the picture. Izuku, distressed, banged his head on the doorway.

"What's up with Izuku?" Ochaco asked. "What's the deal with such a simple picture of a horse?" Kirishima asked.

The class were confused but worried...

There were some shots of Izuku around the living room. We see Izuku take out his Colt Single Action Army.

"Oh no!" Ochaco yelled. "THAT DAMN NERD CAN'T KILL ME!"

"WHY THE HELL AREN'T WE USED TO THIS YET?!" Sero cried, crying because they have to keep being shocked for the sake of me, the author having to constantly write reactions.

It cuts to back to Izuku, he was also about to cry

From the facial features to the music, all of the students truly felt the emotional weight and although one of them didn't want to admit it, Katsuki Bakugou felt emotional as Hell too

The somber slow music only adds to the sadness of the moment in this scene

"C'mon, Izuku don't cry." Ochaco said.

Izuku pulled back the hammer, Katsuki seeing his reflection, Izuku pulled back the trigger, Katsuki, having already accepted his fate has his face forced onto the picture as his lifeless body fell to the ground...

Although the student weren't Katsuki Bakugou in this scene, they almost felt the impact of that shot, of how quick it was, it felt gritty, realistic

"That fucking nerd just killed me." Katsuki said.

"Unlike the other AU where he killed Overhaul... here he killed Bakubro! The same guy he's been friends with since childhood!" Kirishima

"Why did you kill him?!" Tenya asked. "Yeah! Tell us Mikumo!" Ochaco said.

"Izuku was a traitor, he turned against Katsuki for a bounty." Mikumo explained. "That fucker!" Katsuki growled.

"Are we just gonna forget of how accepting he is of death?" Dabi asked. "I know right?! He was literally prepared to die." Shigaraki said.

"This AU was awfully familiar." Melissa Shield said.

"Yeah, like it's based off of some part of ancient American history." Izuku said (remember, bnha takes place hundreds of years in the future, the wild west is crazy ancient history)

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