American Psycho 'Japanese Psycho' AU

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By the way, I googled when bnha takes place and it takes place around 2300 to 2320, so I'll be making up the dates for the sake of plot, so without further ado, lessgo


-Japanese Psycho-

"Psycho? As in, psychopath, could this mean that Izuku is..." Kaminari couldn't finish it. "Hey, let's not jump into conclusions, okay?" Tenya suggested. "Hey, maybe Izuku is going to fight a Japanese Psycho." Ochaco said.

"Who knows?" Tsuyu said. "Hmm, let's just hope he hasn't fallen again." Tamaki said. "I'm sure there can't be that many universe where our good friend is a villain." Mirio said. "Mm-hmm" the blue-haired girl of the big three said.

"Psycho eh? Could this guy be one of my people?" Toga asks

"Remember how Izuku was undercover for the Hessaikai, well this is how he overthrew Overhaul to save Eri." Mikumo said.

"You like Kyoka Jiro?" an older Izuku wearing a cheap suit asked, holding a disc of her songs to Overhaul, drunk as my dad on his birthday

"Hold up. What could Izuku be doing with Overhaul?" Kaminari asked. "Yeah, what could I be doing with that terrible monster?!" Izuku asked.

"He seems very drunk, kero." Tsuyu said. "Quite." Ochaco said. "Could he be tricking him by making him drunk?" Tenya asked.

"Why's that fucker not doing anything?" Katsuki asked.

"What's with the super cheap suit?" Momo asked. "Nevermind, not important."

"Wait, am I..." Jiro asked. "Yes, you're a Pro-Hero but also a musician on the side." Mikumo said.

"Yeah... she's okay." Overhaul said, very drunk

"It feels very uncomfortable hearing that from him." Jiro said.

Izuku placed the disc on the counter. "Her early work was a little too... common anime funk for my taste."

"Well that's a very lame way to describe it." Jiro said. "Where's that damn Deku even going with this?" Katsuki asked.

"But when Earjack Rock came out in 2341, I really think she came into her own; commercially and artistically."

Jiro was very flattered to see Izuku talk about her songs in such high regard. "Wait, what about Eri?" Mirio asked. "I hate to tell you this, but Eri has been tortured painfully by Overhaul, so Izuku is her to save her all by his own goddamn self." Mikumo said.

"Himself?" Mirio asked, Tamaki and Nejire was shocked, being the first to hear this.

"That fucker has some balls, first the half-n-half bastard in the Goatman AU and now this?!" Katsuki was shocked but still mad.

"I just hope Young Midoriya womt end up hurt or dead after this daring plan." All Might thought in his head.

Izuku walked into a bathroom and put on a raincoat. "The whole album has a clear, crisp sound and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the song a big boost." Izuku said.

"Gee, that's sort of overkill just to tell someone their song was good, although, it's still appreciated." Jiro said.

"He sure has quite the knowledge, huh?" Momo asked which Jiro nodded in agreement to.

Izuku put on the raincoat. As he looked himself into the mirror

"In a film, this looks like the scene where the main character reflects upon himself." Shoto said.

Izuku moonwalks backwards, hiding the axe. "She's been compared to Zutomayo, but I think Jiro has a far more funkier sense of music." Izuku said, placing his axe on the entrance to the hallway.

"Zutomayo? But that's a really old band and they compare me to that? I guess it's still appreciated" Jiro said.

"This is quite the build-up." Tenya said.

"Hey, Midoriya." Overhaul, drunken, points to him, not looking at him. "Yes, Overhaul?" Izuku asks. "Why are there All Might posters all over the place? Do you like heroes? Do you really think they'd save everyone?" Overhaul asked laughing

All Might sighed. "Sadly no, we can't save everyone." he grimaced. "That's why we have to save the ones in our reach." Aizawa said.

Izuku knew he wanted to fix that, a hero who helped and saved everyone.

The students were despaired by this, the villains felt no better.

"No, Overhaul." Izuku said with a close-up of him.

"Izuku's no longer believing heroes could save him? How hurt was he to become this?" Ochaco asked.

"His smile is creepy, it acts all fake and innocent." Tenya said.

"Is that a raincoat?" Overhaul asked, dopey and silly.

"I hate that I kinda like drunk Overhaul, he acts so damn silly." Shoto said. "Atleast he isn't gonna hurt Eri when drunk, hopefully." Momo said.

"Yes it is!" Izuku said happily. He walked over to the speaker. "In 2343, she released this, Quirky Funk, her most accomplished album, but I think her undisputed masterpiece is Hero Too." Izuku said dancing as he played the song.

"Undisputed masterpiece? UNDISPUTED MASTERPIECE?! I'm really flattered." Jiro said. "So wait why was it released in 2343?" Momo asked. "She made it for the UA School Festival, but when she became a Pro-Hero while also being a musician on the side, she released the song for the public to hear." Mikumo said.

"Woah." Jiro was at loss for words in the happiness she had from this

"A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics," Izuku said, dance-walking his way

"Yeah, a lot of people don't listen to the lyrics a lot, yeah, including me too." Jiro said. "Is you're song really that deep though?" Kaminari asked

"But they should!" Izuku said pointing as he picked up an axe. "Because it's not just about the conformity of modern hero society, it's also a personal statement about the singer, herself." Izuku explained, axe in hand.

"How does he even know all this? Like damn!" Jiro was impressed at how knowledgeable Izuku was about her songs. "Even as a villain, Izuku loves to talk." Ochaco said.

They tried to be optimistic all they want, but they knew Izuku was gonna do something bad.

"Hey, 'Haul!" he called, Overhaul turned around and had a face of pure, sheer terror turned around and was axed, instantly dead in the head. "TRY HURTING ERI NOW YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD!!!!" Izuku

"Nooooo! My baby just murdered someone." Inko cried. "WOAAAAAH!" the student were shocked and disgusted at the sight. "Even as a a villain, he still cares for Eri." Shoto said.

"YES BLOOOOOOD!" Toga squealed in delight. "Bitch deserved it." Shigaraki said.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I've had this idea for the longest time now, anyway, have a good day

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