Birthday Game (Mini Chapter)

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A/N All the main characters favorite colors are mainly my head canons, please forgive me if they said they're favorite colors were different in the Canon, without further ado, lessgo


"So, guys, in this one universe, I found this little birthday game" Mikumo said. "Birthday game?" asked Denki.

"Mmm... I'd explain, but it's better to show you."

Suddenly, on the screen

"Uhh, what universe did you get this from?" asked Deku

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"Uhh, what universe did you get this from?" asked Deku. "Oh, don't panic, but, in some universes, you guys are fictional characters"

"FICTIONAL" exclaimed all the students. "Don't worry guys, you are all real people, but in some universes, your anime characters from a show called My Hero Academia, can you guess who's the main character?" jokingly asked Mikumo.

"Obviously, it's me! The fans love a manly character!" said Kirishima proudly. "✨Are you kidding? Obviously, it's the most fabulous one, c'est moi✨" Aoyama said.

"FUCK YOU ALL, IT'S DEFINITELY GONNA BE ME!" obviously, this was yelled out by Bakugo.

"Good guesses, but in this universe Izuku is the main character"

"Midoriya my boy, I'm proud of you" All Might triumphantly said. "WOAH, really?!" he awed at those other universes.

"Without further ado, let's start the birthday game"

"Yuga Aoyama winked at me because he was jealous" Deku said as Aoyama blinked with a ding sound with manga sfx floating around him. Some if the students laughed.

"Also, for me, it's the same, me and Deku have the same birthday" said Mikumo.

"Momo Yaoyorozu gave me a hug because..." Ochaco started. "wait, there's no brown so uhh..."

"Momo Yaoyorozu gave me a hug because she was teasing me" she smiled as Momo gave her a warm hug with Momo laughing wholeheartedly, Ochaco smiled back.

"Present Mic tried to punch me because he was blackmailed to" Tokoyami said with Present Mic chuckling. "Who'd blackmail me to punch a student?" he joked.

"Who knows we might." Shigaraki joked

"Hado Nejire tickled me because she really, really liked me." Toga said with a small chuckle from Dabi.

"Wait, villains could laugh at jokes?!" Kaminari questioned loudly with a ton of shock, more shock than the electricity he emits. "What, you think we just sit down day and night, every second of our lives, writing and planning how to kill All Might every second of our lives?" asked Dabi.

"Well yeah, I thought you were just one dimensional villains, who were born evil because of their nature and not nurtured, we people ignore and treat all of you like trash and ignore your inner cry for help"

"oH mY gOD, tHiS saYS aLoT aBoUt sOcIeTy" Mikumo said in a mocking tone.


Anyways, I had trouble writing and having the means to go on writing this, because I don't know the favorite colors of every character.

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