'Without You, I Can't Breath' The Amazing World Of Gumball AU

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I've been rewatching The Amazing World of Gumball lately for some actual good comedy, and I remember all the great songs, so I wrote this, anyway, without further ado, lessgo


-Without You-

"This seems like an awfully sad title." Kaminari commented. "I know right." Jiro said. "Some sad things are probably gonna come up." Izuku said. "Who knows." Ochaco. "I know, and you'll eventually know too." Mikumo said, sipping a glass of chocolate milk (yes, this is all the character I'm probably ever going to write for mikumo)

The screen showed a grey window as it dissolves to a sad Kaminari looking at his computer in his dorm-room.

"Aww, Kaminari." Jiro whispered. "I wonder what could I be so upset about." Kaminari said. "Yeah, Kaminari is always such a positive guy." Sero said.

Kaminari, saddened expression turns on his speaker as it played some sad rock music

"What music are you listening to? Sounds like some rock song my dad would like." Katsuki said.

"Hey, Bakubro, don't ruin the moment." Kirishima said. "Fine." Katsuki was surprisingly okay with shutting up because of how the guards talking in the Tenya's Sacrifice AU ruined the moment a bit.

The speakers suddenly started flowing out water like it's crying.

"Wait, what?" Shoto asked. "I think it's symbolic?" Izuku suggested.

Kaminari cried as he sat on the edge of his dorm-room bed as the water flowed more. "Your smile awnsers my silent scream, your photo on the screen." he sang to the tune, water inching closer and closer until it touched his feet.

"Damn, these are some sad lyrics." Sero said. Bakusquad was shocked at how sad their friend actually was.

"I'm still confused about that speaker crying, either way, it's crying more than Midoriya." Shoto said. "Mean." Izuku pouts.

"My eyes well up, I vent my spleen." he sang as the water flowed over to his writings for Jiro

Jiro was surprised. He didn't know Kaminari actually could write. Kaminari however meanwhile was embarrassed.

"Venting spleen? That's gotta hurt." Shoto said. Izuku agreed. "Yeah." he replied before speaking more. "Perhaps it's for a rhyme?" Izuku suggested.

"Your photo on the screen..." he sang more as the room started flowing more with water.

"Yep." Izuku said. "I was correct. He said" as Shoto spoke. Kaminari was still sad and embarassed


"You're chair a throne, you're like a Queen, you're photo on the screen." he sang as the water increased so much, he started to float in it.

"Damn, the water increased so much he started to float in it." Izuku said. "Pretty catchy, honestly." Shouji said. "I know right." Izuku said.

Jiro was super flattered at that compliment

"My heart is drenched in gasoline, you look at me, yet I'm unseen."

"Really? You really think this, Kaminari?" Jiro asked. "N-No." he said.

"Your photo on the screen." he sang as his notebook was closing because of the water.

Some of the students were tearing up at the screen, especially at the sight of the notebook closing. Midnight in particular too. "S-such a cute young romance!" Midnight.

"I don't know, that's kinda stalker-ish." Hizashi said.

"WITHOOOOUT YOU, I CAN'T BREAAAAAATH!" he sang as he sunk down as an All Might figurine passed the camera.

"How did his dorm suddenly get bigger?" Shoto asked. "I'm not sure, but if there's one thing we can agree on, is that this song slaps." Izuku said. "Yeah." Bakugou agreed which shocked. Bakugou liked something?! "What? I can like things!" he said.

"WITHOOOOUT YOU, I CAN'T BREEEEEAAAAATH!" he continued to sing, messy make-up eye liner on his... well, eyes.

"Why do-nevermind" Shoto was trying to say "why does Kaminari have eyeliner?" but decided that's the least of the weird stuff.

Kaminari and Jiro were hugging eachother before they had a nice kiss, I'm not gonna describe it because I already wrote a long ass kissing scene in an earlier AU.

All the students and teachers, even Midnight was looking away to give them privacy. Mineta looked away too, not for a deep reason or to give them privacy, but to not torture himself in jealousy.

Suddenly, Kirishima appeared in the water.

"What?" Tenya asked. "What? Why am I there?" Kirishima said. "Better question is, did they have the same fantasy of being in water?" Shoto asked. "Good question." Kaminari said.

"What's going on, bro?" he asked. "Nothing." he said as the water disappeared and all the floating object fell back into place as they two slammed front-first onto the ground

Some of the students chuckled a bit at this comedic drop. "I'm still confused how this world works." Shoto said.

"Poor Sho, don't worry, I don't understand it too." Izuku said. "But you're so accepting." Shoto said.

"So which photo were you singing about?" he asked. "No one, so if you'll excuse me, I'll go looking at the sunset." he said.

"Pretty tsundere." Sero said.

"That song was super catchy, if ONLY Kirishima didn't end it too soon." Izuku said. "Yeah, who knew he could sing." Shoto said. "The Rhymes were weird, but yeah, I have to admit, it's a good song." Katsuki said.

"Who wants more like this?" Mikumo asked. "WE DO!" all the students yelled wanting to hear more songs like this.

"Alrighty then!" Mikumo said, preparing the next universe.

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