Tenya's Sacrifice

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Thanks for all the supportive feedback on the previous chapter, anyway, I decided I'm gonna make this chapter from a kind suggestion form my previous chapter, so without further ado, lessgo


-Tenya's Sacrifice-

"Sacrifice?!" Izuku cried. "Damn, this must mean that they are pro-heroes now." Shota said. "If it's for the betterment of society, then it's something I'm willing to do." Tenya said.

"Tch, sacrificing yourself to save others how stupid." Shigaraki said. "What mission are they on or what villain are they fighting that Tenya has to sacrifice himself?" Kaminari asked. " Yeah, it must be one hell of big threat." Izuku said.

"It's because Toga here has held the entire world hostage." Mikumo said. "Holy shit." Dabi said as there was shock written on Toga's face. "What the fuck?! How does she have the world hostage?! That should've been me!" Tomura said. "I know right!" Toga said, even she's acknowledging that this is all crazy.

"So yeah, she's held the world hostage because of her having the largest drug cartel and they basically team up with a bunch of American heroes to take her down."

"Damn, this seems crazy!" Izuku said.

We see Kaminari, Izuku and Tenya in a forested area. "Shoto, you signal when we're in position." Izuku whispered as they moved. Shoto stepped on something as it beeped. Music intensified. The camera showed that it was mine.

"How could he have not noticed that?!" Katsuki asked. "What a reckless move." Aizawa said. "No offense, but I expected more from you, Kaminari-kun." Izuku said

"What the hell, Kaminari?!" Jiro asked.

"Don't move. You move, we die. Luckily, I have this." pulling out a black spray-can

"The Hell? What's Men's Anti-Body-Oder spray gonna work there?" Katsuki asked. "Maybe it can break or deactivate the mechanism of the mine without setting it off?" Izuku suggested.

"This spray will freeze the trigger mechanism... give us a split second to..." he freezes the mine with the spray

"Should've just brought me to the mission." Shoto said. "That is pretty cool though." Izuku awed.

"In a pretty small can." Melissa said, not really at awe at the sight considering how used she is at seeing cool gadgets.

"So on the count of three... what I want you to..." he said as they jumped away from the mine as there was another beep. The camera turned to face the mine Tenya stepped on

"Oh no!" Ochaco yelled. "So this where the 'sacrifice' part of the title comes in." Tenya said, really calmly which unsettled the students and even the teachers.

"Tenya, what the fuck have you done?" Kaminari asked.

"Same question here." Kaminari said looking at the screen.

"Our journey together began many years ago... when All Might did the same thing for us."

"Wait... does this mean..." Toshinori murmured

"Yeah, you sacrificed yourself during the Battle of Kamino." Mikumo said

"Hmm, that's one certain difference." Toshinori said which made the students sad.

"Our journey began with a mistake you made." Izuku said

"What mistake?" Izuku asked. "The Stain incident." Mikumo whispered to Izuku and Tenya. "Oh yeah." was a small whisper that came out of Tenya's lips as his only small verbal response.

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