Kota and Eri fucking Murder A Bunch Of Children

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time, some personal things have been happening lately, and I've been generally unmotivated, here's a short chapter, so without further ado, lessgo


-Kota and Eri School Cafeteria-

"A cafeteria AU really?" Katsuki asked. "Ooh, could Eri and Kota possibly be studying together?" Mandalay asked.

"I feel like there's something crazy that's gonna happen, and I'm not sure if it's gonna be a good thing or a bad thing." Shouji said.

"Who knows." Aizawa said.

We see Kota and Eri walking down in the cafeteria of UA when they were approached by another student.

"Aww, they look so cute together!" Mandalay said. "I wonder what that one student that approaches them wants to talk about." Shouji said.

"Your friend wrote an insensitive tweet! You can't eat here!"

"Oh, it's those types of people." Kaminari said with an absolute grimace. "What kinda people?" Jiro asked.

"People who are overly sensitive to jokes on the Internet." Kaminari said.

"I hope they deal with their differences in a civilised manner!" Tenya said. "C'mon, it's Kota and Eri, of course they'd be considerate!" Izuku said.

"Uh-oh, Eri, it's a sensitivity mob!" he said. "It was just a joke!" Eri said.

"Yes! It is highly immature to act like this over a joke." Tenya said. "Eri seems more meaner here, maybe it's just because of her getting older?" Aziawa said.

"There's no such thing as jokes, anymore!" said a girl student. "Yeah, we live in a post joke world!" said another male student

"Wow, this has to be the greatest commentary since 1984." Shoto said. "What happened in 1984, Todoroki-kun." Izuku said. "I don't know, I never read it." Shoto said. "It's a book?" Izuku asked.

"Maybe we should just eat outside." Eri said. "No we're eating here." Kota said.

"Well, Kota is insistent." Mandalay said. "Of course! Indoors is a proper place to eat!" Tenya said.

"I'd like to see you try." a student said, flicking his hat in slow-mo

"Why is that in slow-mo?" Izuku asked. "Maybe it's trying to emphasise something?" Shoto suggested.

"Either way! It is very wrong to do that!" Tenya scolded.

Kota, in slow-mo, took his tray and slammed his face in, blood spurting out.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Yelled Izuku. "Language, sweetie." Inko said. They ignored Mama Inko as all the students were yelling "WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Mandalay was horrified. "Why is Kota doing this?!" She asked, panicked.

All the other students ran toward them as Eri and Kota slammed their faces in with the tray

"They're seriously not gonna contact their Sensei?!" Tenya yelled. "What kind of fucked up world is this?!" Izuku yelled. "And they're ridiculously skilled in using anything as a weapon." Mandalay murmured.

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