SHIPS! (mini-chapter)

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I know ships is a very dangerous topic in the bnha fandom, but I hope that for once, we can set aside our differences and discuss our ships in a non-toxic and understanding environment, remember, these are the ships I like and I'm not obligated if you aren't a fan, so without further ado, lessgo


"Very good looking ship

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"Very good looking ship." Izuku said. "I'm not an expert, nowhere close, but I'm sure that I quite like this picturesque ship." Aizawa said

"Yeah! I ship!" Yamada yelled.

"It's not bad." Katsuki said. "Can't you say something positive for once?" Kirishima asked


"The Mary Queen! I've been there before! I SHIP!" Melissa yelled

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"The Mary Queen! I've been there before! I SHIP!" Melissa yelled. "I've been there too, I guess I ship it too." Momo said

"Me and Todoroki only ship it because we were trying to find ghosts there." Izuku said

"I bet it was successful as Goatman." Denki said.

"To be fair, it's only because it's been kicked off the bridge." Shoto said.

"That is quite the ship." Tenya awed.

"This truly is quite the scenery

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"This truly is quite the scenery." Izuku remarked. "Something about this is very nice to look at, I think I ship." Tokoyami said.

"Must've took a long time to build. I ship." Tenya said.

"This one is quite similar to the previous

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"This one is quite similar to the previous." Tenya said.

"It' must be nice, it must be nice, being a pirate in this time when you're not fighting or dying of scurvy." Kaminari said. "I kinda want to go to that place the ship is sailing to." Izuku said.


Anyway, thanks for reading, again, these are my ships and hope you are understand of these, anyway, in the end, I just hope you enjoyed this.

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