'Meet The Sniper' TF2 AU

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They all looked at the title of this universe. They all knew that whoever this 'sniper' is, is most likely their green-haired broccoli boy. "Hmm, I may or may not be excited." says Snipe. "You're absolutely excited." says Midnight. "Admit it!" Hizashi said. It's obscured by his mask, but he's definitely smiling.

"Sniper, then... That means, does, Deku uhh..." stuttered Ochako. "Yes, he's an assassin, but he's not insane" replied Hatsume. "In this world, he's a sniper mercenary payed to kill, NOW, let's activate my little 'baby'"

We see the inside of a car showing a bobble-head figure of Snipe.

He, its me, thought Snipe.

We see a finger move towards the bobble-head as he tapped the head. "Boom, headshot" he said as jazzy music played

"Meet the Sniper" it read on the title card

"Snipin's a good job, mate!" Deku said as he drove down a desert area. "It's challengin' work, it's outta doors, I guarantee you won't go angry" Deku wore a cowboy hat, aviator glasses and a black vest with sniper bullets on it and looked older.

"I have to say..." Toru started. "Deku's pretty hot" Toru finished as the girls started to blush, with the exception of his mom "I think my baby looks really good! Although, I'm not really so sure about him killing" Inko said. "Don't worry ma'am, this Izuku is from a different universe, the Deku you raised is perfectly there"

"That last part was wrong, I guarantee you'd go absolutely angry" Snipe commented. "Oh, I bet" Aizawa said bluntly. "Says the guy who's quirk is homing bullets" Bakugou. "Hey, Bakubro, chill, quirk or no quirk, it must be really hard to aim, give him some slack!"

"Angry, I think he said 'hungry' as in its a high-paying job" said Aizawa

" 'cause at the end of the day, as long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead." Izuku said brushing his teeth as he eyed a picture of Muscular with anger.

"Hey, it's that guy!" said Kota. "What did Muscular do in this universe though?" asked Momo. "He is a mercenary, paid to kill, he might be looking at him for money and not for some deep reason" replied Jiro.

We see Muscular in the crosshairs of Sniper Izuku's scope as he was shot a hole in his head

"Holy shit! That fucking nerd killed that motherfucker!"

"SO DAMN MANLY!" Yelled y'know-who

"Mom, I'm a- Ye- Not a 'crazed gunman', mom, I'm an assassin!" said Izuku on a pay-phone. There was a murmur from a female voice that was difficult to hear on the other end.

"Noo my bebe" said Inko in overprotective mom voice. "Well, it is his job, atleast he's probably doing this for a good reason, he was looking at Muscular with anger in his eyes" said Aizawa.

"Well the difference be is that one's a job and the others mental sickness!"

"Atleast he's not insane, thank goodness for that" All Might said. "I will always support my son with what he does, within reason of course."

"Awww" said the girls (use your imagination to guess who)

"I'll be honest with ya, my mother, does not care for it."

Cut to Izuku on a tall tower on the lookout of the enemy. "I think his mate saw me" he whispered as a bunch of shots fired at him. "YES, YES HE DID!"

"You won't believe how many times that has happened to me" Snipe said. "I bet you were shot at times when it did." joked Sero. "I wonder if he ever has any feelings for the people he kills"

"Feelins'? Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelings? Blokes that bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy." narrated Izuku as the piss jars in the background increases over time. "Professionals have standards."

"Standards? He pisses in FUCKING jars" Bakugou said mad. Snipe has flashbacks when he had to do the same thing during a mission against a crime syndicate.

"Be polite" narrated Deku as he stabbed Toga in the chest with a machete (A/N she's literally a spy, she and the spy can disguise herself) the look on her face was horrified and scared

"What is this? Toga being scared at the sight of blood, kero?" asked Tsuyu with sarcasm. "Impossible, this must be the use of an enemy Stand User" said Sero

"Be efficient," he started as he shot Jin Babainagawa in the head then a satisfying shot to Dabi who held a bazooka.

"Killing is bad and all, but it's honestly super satisfying to have a headshot." Kaminari said. "Yeah, especially me playing FPS games" said Shoto. "Bro, you play FPS games?" asked Sero. "Yeah, I play with Deku, he introduced me to many video games I've never knew existed before because of all the training my father put me in"

"Have a plan to kill everyone you meet." says Deku as he shot his last target, Mustard as there was a slow-mo shot of him with the camera slowly moving in and cocking his rifle.

"Damn, that Deku was badass!" Kaminari said

"Hey, swearing is informal"

"Shut the hell up, Sonic the Retardgehog!"

"And fucking manly, he shot those bitches down" said Kirishima. "Hm, he's just as good as he is in CS:GO" Todoroki said. "Man, we should invite him to play!" Kaminari said with enthusiasm.

"Play the next one, Mei!" Yelled some of the audience (use your imagination to guess who)

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