'I Can't Say Goodbye' The Amazing World of Gumball AU (pt. 2)

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Here's part two of the chapter, I don't wanna bother you, so without further ado, lessgo


"I'm excited for the next one." Denki said. "Me too, I hope it won't be sad." Kirishima said. "Hey, Mikumo! What's the next AU?" Kirishima asked. "Hold on, my rocky friend." Mikumo said as he adjusted the control panel and finally showed an AU

The opening had the start of the synth-piano playing Iver a shot of UA as it dissolves to Katsuki and Izuku laughing together at lunch

"How can he possibly get so close to Bakugou without dying?" Shoto asked. "Hey, I can be able to not kill people!" Katsuki yelled. "Whatever, as long as he's not mad." Kirishima said.

"Oh yeah, by the way, the reason why he's so close to Izuku is that he's being told to try and stop being an explosive pomegranate." Mikumo said. "Well, I hope he doesn't go back to his old ways." Sero said which only pissed off Katsuki even more.

"I wanna say you're a real good guy," he sang as he accidentally placed the straw of the Cementoss juice box into the box.

"Woah, how could he have possibly made that mistake?" Kaminari asked. "Yeah that's a one in a thousand mistake." Kirishima said. "BITCH HOW DARE YOU!" Katsuki yelled.

"But we both now that would be a lie." he sang as Katsuki was red with anger as he flipped the table and yelled at Izuku

Some of the students were laughing at this. "Aww man, I really thought you'd change!" Kirishima said. "FUCK YOU, I'M A TOTALLY CALM NORMAL PERSON!" Katsuki yelled.

"It's been a nightmare being your friend!" Izuku sang as it dissolved, Camera moving left to reveal him in the rain with a piano, a white jacket and cap and golden necklace with his shirt open standing behind a phone-booth on the side-walk

"Oh no he's hot!" Mina yelled. The girls all had massive nose-bleeds, not counting Jiro, some not so much, some passed out due to blood loss, Toga was just imaging how Izuku would look bloodied up and staining the white clothes.

"Damn, he really is going all out music video." Kirishima said. "I know right!" Kaminari

"So it's time for this charade to end!" he sang as it dissolved to him holding a cracked framed photo of Katsuki. "I can't say-hay-yay-yay..."

"It's fucking creepy when you have a picture of me!" Katsuki yelled. Some of the boys snickered laughing at the screen. "That's some great vocal work." Tenya said. "I know right! You're not a bad singer." Ochaco said. "Hehe; Thanks!" Izuku said.

"...Goodbye, 'cause you might grind me down into meat pie." Izuku sang, throwing the picture away

"Hey, bitch, careful with that photo." Katsuki said. "Meat pies?! Why am I easily imagining that in my head?" Kaminari asked.

The students were chuckling a bit.

"I'll tell the school that you got Avian Flu," he sang as it cut to Katsuki in class

"Oh, I hope he doesn't do anything bad." Kirishima said. "WHAT LOW EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HAVE OF ME?!" Katsuki yelled. "YOU LOOKING DOWN ON ME HUH?!" Katsuki asked screeching. "no, it's not like that!" Kirishima tried to calm him.

"Avian Flu? If Izuku told us that, we won't believe him but we'd totally still get rid of him." Midnight said. "Yeah, true." Aizawa said. "Yeah! BAAABBYYYY!" Present Mic yelled.

"All in favor of expelling Bakugou?" asked All Might. All the UA students raised their hands. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Katsuki asked, yelling

"...so it'll be their job to get rid youuuu!" he sang as Katsuki snapped his pencil.

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