The Birth of Darth Vader

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"Hey, umm, I know these universes focus on me, but, I wanna know something..." Izuku asked. "I'll hear it out."

Izuku whispered something in Mikumo's ear. "You want to see that, you sure?" Mikumo asked which intrigued the students of UA.

-The Birth of Darth Vader-

The class were on edge about this universe, especially with the title, not knowing what it meant.

We see Hisashi Midoriya, burnt up and feeling tortured by the health droids and equipment

"Damn." Dabi said at his burns.

"Who could that be?" Denki asked. "That's Hisashi Midoriya, in this universe, it takes place in space."

"Space? That sounds awesome!"

Inko was terrified of this as she has just recovered from the Fnaf AU.

"Hisashi's seems so hurt!" she cried with Izuku hugging her.

"But, why though?" Ochaco asked. "All for One in this universe is a Sith Lord, the Sithvs The Jedi, All for One wants and successfully has corrupted Hisashi from a young and hopeful Jedi Knight to something terrible." Mikumo said.

Inko wanted a break, after having witnessed Izuku and now Hisashi turn to villainy. All Might paled at the thought of Izuku, the kind-hearted successor for his quirk have a father corrupted directly by All for One

Meanwhile, it cutted to Inko giving birth in another area. It cut back to Hisashi and all the medical equipment.

"Oh, so this must be where Izuku gets born." Kirishima thought. Inko remembered how she gave birth to Izuku.

(Y'know, Darth Vader's mask reminds me of All for One's mask)

Hisashi was now in full body armor, the cape, the mouth-piece, the buttons on his chest, everything. The mask was placed on his head

(A/N: I know that Anakin had his iconic mask/helmet, but in here, because its my fanfic and I get to write whatever the Hell I want, hell be having the skull mask All for One has)

"NO!" Izuku cried for his father. The students were on edge, depressed at what had happened.

"Hmm..." Shigaraki started.

"I guess you're loving husband has turned villain, eh? Sensei always had a way with people." Shigaraki taunted which caused Inko to snap. "DON'T YOU SAY THAT ABOUT MY HUSBAND!" she had lost her composure before trying to build it up, as she did so, her outburst shook the students to their core.

"I-i-i-I-I'm so sorry, b-b-but, m-maybe he still has some good in him." Inko cried out, with everyone else hoping he does have good in him left.

The mask was slowly placed onto him, the music and choir intensified each second

The class were entranced by the music and the movement of the mask being placed on his face

Hisashi was raised from his seat as he breathed his iconic breath under the mask. "Lord Vader, can you hear me?" asked All for One, wrinkly and cloaked. "Yes, My Master." he replied.

"Hehe, he called Sensei as his master." Shigaraki jeered. At this point Izuku was so fucking done. "GO TO HELL, YOU ASSHOLE!" Izuku insulted as he pulled out the middle finger

"Where is Inko? Is she safe, is she all right?" asked Hisashi with worry. "I'm afraid she died. ... it seems in your anger, you killed her." All for One replied

The class was shocked to find out that he killed her, or attempted to anyway because they were hopeful she'd be alive. "If it makes you feel better, just know that there is some good left in him." Mikumo comforted

"I couldn't have! She was alive! I felt her! She was alive! It's impossible!" he yelled out as he tried to kill All for One using The Force.

"Woah, does he have telekinesis or something?!" Sero asked. "No, he used The Force." Mikumo replied. "The Force?" asked he.

"The Force is pretty ubiquitous, basically, it's an energy that binds all of The Galaxy, if you're quote-endquote 'force-sensitive' people and The Force could give you special powers like controlling object with your mind like Inko does or see the future or brainwashing people." Mikumo explains.

Vader breaks his bonds and yells the iconic "NOOOOOOOOOOO"

"No, this is terrible, Mikumo, why would you show us this?" Inko asked crying. "In order to show you this." Mikumo replied. "Hey, I said I wanted a universe with my father." Izuku said

"You said you wanted a universe with Hisashi, your father, not a good and happy universe with him." Mikumo countered

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