Pulp Fiction 'accidentally shot Marvin in the face' AU

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(A/N: Deku is Vincent and Shinso is Jules, altho, I changed up some of the dialogue from the original scene, without further ado, lessgo)

Hatsume stood on the stage. "Well, time for another universe, this one has an interesting title and its called Pulp Fiction."

"hmm, what an interesting title" thought many of the students. "Wait what does the title mean?"

"I think it's in reference to fiction stories which were weird, racy, violent, action-packed stories written in cheaply written fiction magazines which were popular all the way from nineteen-hundred to nineteen-fifties and were published with cheap ragged-edged paper made out of wood pulp, thus it was called pulp fiction." explained Nezu calmly. "So I guess we can expect cheap, cheesy crime stories here." said Snipe

"Also, this universe is a bit dark, so Eri and Kota have to leave sadly."

"Aww man" said the two kids. "Don't worry, we'll watch a happy universe after, okay?" Mirio said to cheer them up.

Hatsume pressed a button and began the device

~Multiverse Loading~

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"You ever seen that show cops?" asked Shinso. "I was watching it this one time..." he started. He was a driver in a maroon car, Izuku was on the front seat while a black man sat in the backseat

"Hey, I'm in this one!" said Shinso looking at his Multiverse counterpart. "I've seen that show once, didn't know much about it though" Aizawa said

"And, there was this cop on, and he was talking about a gunfight he had in this hall, and he just unloaded on this guy, and he didn't hit anythi- he didn't hit nuthing, y'know, it was just him and this guy" explained Shinso

"He shot all of his bullets on his gun on someone but didn't hit anything? Must've been divine intervention" commented Snipe

"Look, you wanna play blind man, go walk with the shepherd, but me, my eyes are wide fucking open." said Izuku

"Oooh, burn, I don't even know what that means but daaaaamn." said Mina

"I think it means that he is trying to say that he people shouldn't be 'blind' as in ignorant"

"I guess, but who knows?" replied Mina

"The fuck does that mean?" asked Shinso, understandably confused. "It means, dats it for me, from here on in, you can consider my ass quitting from villainy"

"He's a villain?" questioned Uraraka. "Yeah, but it seems that he wants to leave" said Lida. "No shit, Engine Sherlock" replied Bakugou Katsuki.

"Jesus Christ" Shinso said

"Don't blasphemy" replied Deku. "Goddamnit" Shinso replied in retaliation. "I said don't do that" replied Izuku a bit more mad

"It's kinda funny to have a villain who hates blasphemy, kero"

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