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chapter one : talks of the towm
I've heard you lot got your eyes on a pretty prize

ACT ONE | SHADOW AND BONEchapter one : talks of the towm❝ I've heard you lot got your eyes on a pretty prize ❞

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and she thanked such a talent for how broad and wide her knowledge about everything was.

Not only did she know that there was one heartrending that the both of them could get access to in Ketterdam, but she also knew of a secret passage that would directly lead her exactly right to the place she wanted to be. The only downside to that was that they had to travel through the sewers of town.

It wasn't like she had much of a choice, she could've either travelled by foot and let either Pekka or Kaz—which out of the two she hoped Kaz got there first—reach the heartrender first and use her to get the money from Dressen or be ten minutes early, her, Darling and the rest of the girls at her brothel showering in coin for the rest of their days.

Sure, she held Darling back slightly as she hobbled through sewers, making sure not to get not so much as a single speck of waste on her heavy dress but it was worth it as they had managed to exit across the street of the brothel five minutes early then she had expected, sneaking in unnoticed by the owner who was happily counting his stacks of money that he robbed from the poor girls there.

Darling and Aleksandra hid in the corner of the room as Milana, the heart render, walked into the room with another man. The man was all over Milana, moving a little too fast the girls liking as he pressed her up against the wall and hastily began undoing his belt as he gnawed at her neck.

Aleksandra recognised the man as one of the men who used to terrorise one of her girls in the brothel, always hassling her at night but not even sending her so much as a glimpse during the day, ashamed of his actions. So, out of anger and general advancement towards her goal, she shot him square in the head, blood painting and splattering all over the walls as he slumped against it.

Before Milana could scream Darling swiftly snuck up behind her and knocked her out, the heartrender falling onto the ground with a thud beside the man.

"Should I dispose of the body?" Darling asked, looking down at the man as he lifelessly looked up at the ceiling.

"No," Aleksandra said to her, looking down at Milana as she sprawled out onto the floor, the tip of her dress dipping into some blood. "Let them know we were here."

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