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A shrill, excited scream made me jump from my laptop. "Cara? Are you okay?", I asked my best friend and roommate. "You won't believe what just happened Hailey!" she squealed, coming storming into the workroom. "And what just happened?", I asked with raised eyebrows. Sometimes my best friend just drove me crazy. "I got a new job offer! Sabrina suggested me and if I accept now, I'm sure to get the job," she told me excitedly. "But I wanted your opinion first. So yes or no?" "You'll have to tell me what the job offer is first," I said smiling and shaking my head slightly. "McLaren. Does that mean anything to you?" "A car brand, yes and?" Confused, I looked at her. "I got a job offer from McLaren. The racing team. In Formula 1. Has it clicked now?" Indeed it had. Shocked, I looked at her. "I know. You're probably not happy about it, but see it as an opportunity. It could be the very thing that brings you back to life." "Or it could be the very thing that plunges me deeper into this hole," I muttered in an occupied voice. "Besides, it would be the breakthrough for me!" she then added. "Then take it," I said simply, shrugging my shoulders, and went back to my book translation. While writing books myself, I translated mine and others' books into German or English. "You already know that I'll be gone most weekends then, and you also know that I won't leave you alone." I looked up again. "Yes, indeed I know that Cara. But I'm already grown up and I can take care of myself." "Exactly. You're not tall, neither can you take care of yourself. I have a job interview tomorrow. You can come with me of course." "Aww, how nice. I have to work though." "Don't lie. You can translate whenever and wherever you want. Besides, you're not going to continue writing your stupid novel anyway," the blonde-haired girl complained. I sighed. Okay, I had to admit. Things aren't going very well with my novel because I can't find any motivation and I really have all the time in the world for translating. "I'll come with you. Not more." Now it was Cara who sighed, "Okay. Now I'll leave you for now." Cara left the workroom and went back to her own, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I knew very well that my best friend would not leave me alone. We weren't living together for fun. She had appointed herself my personal guardian and would certainly not give up this job. Not if she didn't know that someone else was there for me. I shook my head slightly and concentrated again on the German version of the manuscript, which would soon also be available in English.


The next morning I was rudely awakened by Cara. "Leave me alone," I hissed and turned to my other side. As cold-hearted as my best friend was, she simply ripped off my blanket. "Ey!" I sat up and glared angrily at Cara. "What was that about?" "I thought you wanted breakfast before we go," she explained good-humouredly. "You know I don't eat breakfast." "You might today." "You can go fuck yourself. I'm going back to sleep now. Wake me up in half an hour." "Morning grouch," Cara was still grumbling before she threw the covers back on my bed and disappeared. And of course I couldn't go back to sleep. I groaned in annoyance and rolled out of bed with difficulty. I was definitely not a morning person. 

In a bad mood, I slurped into the bathroom and took a shower after briefly brushing my teeth. Afterwards, I immediately felt much better. What do you mean better, much more awake. After getting dressed, I sat down in the kitchen with Cara who was eating her fruit salad. "Oh, you do want breakfast, don't you?" asked Cara provocatively, knowing that once I was awake I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. "Just shut up," I grumbled and sat down at the counter. Cara simply commented with a laugh. Suddenly her mobile rang. Without even looking at who it was, Cara threw it at me and I just caught it. "The number is unknown," I said in surprise. "Then answer it," she called to me as she was already walking towards the bedroom. I rolled my eyes and took the call. "Hello, Andreas Seidl here. Am I speaking to Cara Wolkow?" I cleared my throat briefly. "This is Hailey Campbell. Her roommate. Would you hold for a moment, please? I'm taking you to Cara," I spoke quickly into the receiver, already getting up and walking to her room. Impossible she is. I held the phone out to her and she answered it. "Hello, this is Cara Wolkow." I leaned into her door frame. Admittedly, I was a little curious. Quickly, I realised it was about her job and I backed off. Okay, that was none of my business. Although I had wanted to take the day off, I sat down at my desk and booted up my Macbook. The translation was only a few chapters short, and I could well finish it over the next month. I had already received a waiting list from writers I was friends with and therefore they were sure of a place. But I was not a machine and they would have to wait until I finished this wonderful work.

 I heard Cara hang up and run into my room. I was already turning the office chair to be able to look her in the face when she just skipped through the door, smiling broadly. "I got the job!" she exclaimed delightedly. "Pleased to meet you. Congratulations," I said, turning back to my Macbook. "And you know what the best part is?" "Mmh?" was all I gave, thinking of how I could write that sentence in German in just as beautiful an art. "You're coming with me. Andreas said it wouldn't be a problem if you always came along," she explained and I slowly turned back to her. "Cara, that won't do," I grumbled, aghast. "It's not like you have to go to the track with me, although that's what I'd prefer. You just stay at the hotel and be done with it." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay, when's the first race?", I asked pressed. "In a month, but next week Andreas had asked if I had time to meet the boys." I raised an eyebrow and her brown deer eyes scrutinized me excitedly. "And I get to go then too, don't I?" She nodded. "There are only four people there. Relax." "Four is bad enough Cara. You know that." "And you know I know you'll come." I snorted. "Can I get back to work now?", I asked annoyed, but was already turning back to read through the page of the book again. Without a word, Cara left the workroom and closed the door behind her. She was probably pissed, but she should be. She knows me and that means she should have known my reaction already.


I didn't show my face again until the afternoon. I was quite happy with my work and would not do anything productive for the rest of the day. Cara was already at the cooker, so I started to set the table. She put the pan on the table and fetched the pot. "What do you have planned for next week?" "Probably just wanted to go out for dinner." I nodded and glanced at the pot. Broccoli. Disgusted, I screwed up my face. Cara, noticing my look, started grumbling right away. "That's healthy Hailey. So you eat that too." "Yes mum," I replied annoyed. "Who's coming?" "The two drivers and Andreas Seidl and Zak Brown." "I see." I pulled my mobile phone out of my pocket and immediately googled the racing team. After about two minutes I had already found the drivers. "The drivers. Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz," I said abruptly, shoving a piece of broccoli between my teeth. "You know I can't remember names," she said and seemed to be googling as well. "Oh, that Lando looks so cute," she said, holding her mobile phone in front of me. I raised my eyes briefly, but then looked at my phone again. "So what do you think of him?" I shrugged. "Yeah, okay. Maybe he's a bit cuddly," I mumbled, putting my phone back in my back pocket. "Say, what's up with Jack anyway?", I asked, chewing as I remembered that my best friends still had a boyfriend. "He's not too keen because we see each other even less now and he can't come with us because he's still in the middle of his studies," she explained somewhat dejectedly. "Mmm," was all I said. I never really liked Jack. I thought he was pretentious and just plain arrogant. But I didn't care as long as I didn't have to see that snoot. 


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