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"I'm home!" I shouted across the house, but received no reply. But that didn't surprise me. It was quite quiet in the house, too quiet for Lando to be there. I assumed he was in the garden, but I didn't find him there. Slowly suspicion crept up in me. My next destination was the training room, then the gaming room, which I suspected less because otherwise Lando would have been heard shouting. After I had been in every single room and still hadn't found Lando, I finally took my mobile phone, which I had forgotten at home earlier and somehow hadn't thought of looking at it before. Sure enough, I had received a message from Lando. Unconsciously, I had tensed up, but then noticed it because of the painful pulling in my shoulder. Then I realised again why I had come home early. I had fallen off the horse earlier when the mare refused to jump. I had hit my shoulder first. Flo had then sent me home and insisted that I should cool her down. Of course I had protested, but still had to admit that it hurt quite a bit. When Lando hadn't answered, however, I had forgotten about the pain and worry had set in instead. Lando probably just went jogging, I reassured myself. What else could he be doing? I got the answer in a moment. He could very well do something else, as a fan page just proved to me. I was tagged in a post on Instagram. A picture of Lando and a girl. With the caption: Does Hailey know about this? And if not, is Lailey about to break? I shook my head, stunned. He couldn't be serious now. We announced it barely a fortnight ago and he was now cheating on me. How? Again I shook my head. I just didn't want to believe it. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. Spasmodically, I suppressed the tears. Crying did me no good. Besides, I didn't know what was really going on anyway. So I had no choice but to wait until Lando came back. 

Two hours later, having paced pointlessly around the house and imagined all the scenarios, I heard the key in the door lock. Still cooling my shoulder with a cold pack, I flopped down on the sofa. Lando came slithering into the living room. Again he made a rather exhausted impression. Suspicion rose up in me again. "You're here already," he said in surprise. I nodded and looked up at him. "Did something happen?" he then asked as his eyes moved from my face, to my shoulder and then back to my face. "I fell," I replied monotonously. "And what have you been up to?", I then asked in an overly friendly manner. I could clearly see the confusion on Lando's face. "I was just out running," he said perplexed, to which I simply nodded and stared straight ahead. "A fan page posted a photo. You were seen there with a girl. The question underneath was if our relationship was breaking up," I then explained. Feeling the pain, still couldn't believe it. "I was just out for a run. Before that I was in the studio with John." "I believe you Lando. You know that don't you? You could lie to me and I would believe you because I trust you. So please, don't lie to me." Lando looked at me silently, but then pulled me up and hugged me tightly. "I couldn't lie to you. I couldn't and I never would. I..." he broke off. "You?" He shook his head. "Just let me surprise you." I raised my eyebrows. "I hate surprises," I grumbled, but hugged him back.


"Happy Birthday!", Lando wished me as soon as I opened my eyes. Sleepily, I looked at him and blinked a few times. "Happy birthday. It's your birthday today," Lando declared with a smile, which came to me. "Asooo... thank you," I replied and sat up. I had just woken up and hadn't expected to be ambushed by Lando like this. But it was cute. "Flo said you were off today and since you told me yesterday you'd like to be with your family, I booked us a flight." Still not quite absorbing, I looked at him, overwhelmed. "You know honey, you really need to get up." Only now did I really understand what Lando wanted from me and I was suddenly wide awake. "Does this mean you're going to meet my parents now?" He nodded. "Okayyy. I'm just going to take a shower," I muttered. Nervousness rose in me. My mother would love him, that was already more than clear to me. But what about my father. He knows him from Formula racing. He had told me himself that he liked Lando and still does. But it was still scary, especially because of what had happened before. Because of Erik. My ex. But Dad will like him. Lando is different. Completely different... perfect... "Can I join you in the shower?", Lando snapped me out of my thoughts, which made me giggle. "Sure," I replied, still laughing.

 "What a surprise!" my mother exclaimed as she opened the door. She hugged me tightly. "Your father was going to call, but I told him not to. I thought you were still mad at me," she explained with tears in her eyes. "I still blame you, but I'm not mad anymore. Besides, I have someone to introduce you to." At first, even she seemed to notice that I hadn't come alone. "Oh... Hi. I'm Iris," she introduced herself. "Is this your boyfriend?" My family somehow lived a bit cut off from the outside world. I mean for weeks you could read "headlines" everywhere on all the motorsport sites. "Yep. But can we go in first?" Smiling broadly, my mother nodded and before we could really enter, she hugged Lando. I laughed briefly. She really was pleased. "Dad will be in the stable, won't he?" "Do you want me to go get him?" I replied in the negative. It would be easier to introduce Lando to everyone on his own. "You must be Lando, right?" The brunette agreed. "Hailey's already told me about you. Nice to meet you." He actually blushed a little and looked at me questioningly. I nodded awkwardly. Mothers were there to expose his kids, honestly. "Hailey, you look so happy," she said, her eyes moving back and forth between me and Lando. We sat on the couch, me cross-legged as I played with one of Lando's hands, Devin's head resting on Lando's lap. "By the way, I'm happy to announce that we have an addition to the family. Your father and I have adopted a baby girl." I looked at her with my head tilted. "Well, that's great," I said simply. "I mean, I know you. Please be nice to her, will you? She's really excited to meet you." I nodded and rose. "Lando? Shall we go to the stables? I'd love to introduce you to my dad." "Sure, we can do that." "Oh, and Mum? You can leave the bag downstairs. I'll take it upstairs in a minute." "Okay."

"Your mother is really quite nice," Lando remarked. "Thanks. She likes you, I think. I'm just a little nervous about my dad." "No shit. He's not going to kill me." I laughed nervously. "Not that... But you know how nervous I was around your family," I reminded him. "And they love you. Besides, your family seems nice too, so no need to stress you out now." He put an arm around my shoulders, which immediately made me feel a bit safer. Before we entered the stable, I took a deep breath. "Dad!", I called out, to which I also got an immediate response. He came out into the stable aisle - he had probably just been in the square - and congratulated me, explaining the same thing as Mum had earlier. "And you're my daughter's boyfriend?" I bit my lower lip, to which Lando nodded. "I am and I'm really proud to be." My father smiled broadly. "Lando Norris, is it?" Lando affirmed, to which my father chimed in with. "Well, welcome to the family then. Nice to meet you, really." I expelled the air in relief, hadn't even realised I'd stopped her. "Our little Pam already told me you had a girlfriend now, but didn't tell me who it was. To be honest, I wasn't interested because I pay more attention to your performance than to your private life," he admitted with a laugh. "Although the hug in Canada looked very intimate and I had my thoughts about it. I actually thought there was something going on right away." "Dad!" I exclaimed indignantly. "Yeah yeah, I get it. I'm just so happy for you." "And besides, Pam?" 

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