✨S I X✨

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A few hours later we were on the plane on our way to Melbourne. I had rewritten everything in the meanwhile, which wasn't particularly difficult now. Meanwhile, Lando had been talking to Carlos, who had been awake again since the stopover. Cara had then simply slept while I listened to music. 

I folded the MacBook shut and took off the headphones. Promptly I was assaulted with a question. "Nutella with or without butter?" Confused, I looked at the two men. "Uh with?", I said, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Hah! I told you!" gloated Lando, smiling broadly. Was he not laughing for once? And where did he get all that energy from? "Don't you ever sleep?" I asked him, looking at him carefully. Probably not. "Yes, sure I do. I love to sleep." "Okay," I replied, stretching. "I think Cara, Carlos and I are the ones who need a lot of sleep," I commented, yawning. I was actually tired again. "Shut up Hailey. You're probably the last person who really needs sleep," Cara grumbled. "I thought you were sleeping," I said in surprise and the other two gave her surprised looks as well. "I'll keep doing that now, because unlike you, I know what it is." I just rolled my eyes and stowed the MacBook back in my backpack. "So what do you do in your spare time?" asked Carlos suddenly. "Reading and my parents have a horse stable," I told him with a shrug. I didn't have any real hobbies. "Cool. My sister rides too," Lando said enthusiastically. "Tell me, how old are you?" I asked, because I was beginning to doubt that he was already an adult. "Nineteen, why?" he asked, confused. I see. Yes, that explained a lot. "No reason. Just turning nineteen," I replied quietly. "Okay. And you're already writing yourself then?" I got two surprised looks. I felt a little uncomfortable, which is why I started chewing on my lower lip. A tic of mine when I was focused or stressed. "Uh yeah. I started when I was fourteen and published my first book when I was sixteen. When I finished school, which was just under a year ago, I translated as well," I ended up sharing surprisingly. "That's cool. Do you still do any sport with it? You seem pretty trained," Lando asked, and I felt his gaze briefly wander once over my body, which was in oversized clothes. However he could see that then. "In between, the monster better known as Cara forces me to exercise. Work-out and running is mostly just that. So nothing exciting." "Sport is good for you. Remember that," Carlos smirked. "Yeah yeah, right." I rolled my eyes and stretched for a moment. We were all silent for a while until Lando broke the silence again. "And you're really not coming to the track at all?", I shook my head. "Nope. Sorry." I smiled uncertainly, flipping the MacBook open again. "I'll see you around anyway." "For sure. On the flight back at the latest," I said, already putting my headphones back on. "And you're going back to work now?" asked Carlos, yawning once briefly. "Yes and no." "How?" "Just listening to music and getting ideas for my book." " I see, so I think I'm going to take another nap. You should too Lando, by the way." The Brit snorted briefly in amusement, but actually made himself comfortable. Meanwhile, I just turned on my music and let my thoughts run free.


Later, when the announcement came that the plane was about to land, I hadn't made any progress. I was still at the beginning with the novel, I could no longer even follow what I had been thinking about instead. But the thoughts had been pointless, not bad at all. Lando next to me was still fast asleep, as were the sleepyheads in the front two seats. Okay, I'll wake them up then.

I flipped my MacBook closed and took off my headphones. "Hey Lando." I flicked his face briefly but he didn't respond. Nervously, I started biting the inside of my cheek. Nudge? Briefly I shook his shoulder, saying his name again. He grumbled briefly and then slowly woke up. "We'll be landing soon," I said before tapping Carlos on the shoulder from behind. He certainly wouldn't wake up either if I only tried to speak to him. Shortly afterwards, the Spaniard grumbled too and I turned to my best friend. In return, I stood up and shifted slightly over to Lando, who was sitting on the window side. "What are you doing?" the young man asked behind me, to which I just grinned mischievously and put my plan into action. I simply held Cara's nose and that had the desired effect. She woke up in a panic and started lashing out, which made me laugh out loud. I tried to move backwards when she tried to hit me, but I forgot that Lando was sitting behind me. I lost my balance and landed on his lap. Promptly I fell silent and blushed. Panic rose in me, which I tried to suppress as best I could. "Sorry," I mumbled and quickly slid off Lando. "It's okay," he said awkwardly, smiling sheepishly. I cleared my throat briefly and began to pack my things, after which I fastened my seat belt again.


In the afternoon we arrived at the hotel and I was really exhausted. Or rather my body was. With every movement something cracked and I felt like an 80-year-old. I had slurped my stuff up to my hotel room before I went for a shower. It was just six in the morning in London, so four in the afternoon here. After getting dressed and sitting on my bed with my hair still wet, I picked up my cell phone. My mother had tried to reach me during the flight, so now I just called back. I had the information that there would be dinner between six and eight o'clock, so I had enough time to talk to my mom. She promptly answered after the second hoot. "Hey sweetie. How are you?", I heard her cheerful voice. "I'm feeling kind of run down," I answered truthfully, smiling. "No wonder. Is Cara around right now?" "Nope, why?" "Oh I just wanted to thank her." I raised my eyebrows. " I see, what's new?" "Nothing. Maybe your dad and I will come visit you on Tuesday." "That would be nice. Champ doesn't miss me too much either?", I asked about my horse. A fox-colored Oldenburg stallion. "The truth? Not like that at all. He's running wild in the pasture with the other horses." "Great. Great horse I've got there," I pouted playfully as I flopped backwards onto the bed. "I'm sure he'd love for you to come visit us again sometime." "Are you sure it's just Champ?", I wanted to know with amusement. "Yeah, okay. I admit. I'd be happy too." I laughed softly for a moment. "Me too mom." "And your new novel. Your protagonist has already fallen in love?" "As if. I'm not getting anywhere at all. You've got the basic idea down, but I have no idea how to..." A knock on my door interrupted me. "Uh mom. There was just a knock. Hold on a second, will you?" I rose again and waddled to the door, which I opened. Standing in front of me was my best friend. "Cara's here. Do you want to talk to her now?" I turned around again already and dropped back onto the bed. "No, it's all good. I have to get back too. The horses want their breakfast." "Okay. Love you guys." "We love you too." My mother hung up, whereupon I turned to Cara. "How about you?" "I wanted to see what you were doing," she smiled. "That's a lie," I said rolling my eyes. She giggled. "All right. I was going to ask if we wanted to go for a walk and maybe talk." "Talk?" "Yep. About the flight. Lando." "Do you have any idea how stupid you are? I think you're really stuck on three," I sighed. "You tell me that a lot. Come on. I want to be back on time." I groaned and went back into the bathroom to blow dry my hair. When it was dry, I tied it into a messy bun and put on my black shoes. I wore a hoodie again, but this time I paired it with black mom jeans. "Okay. Then we'll go for a walk," I mumbled unmotivated and took my cell phone, as well as my wallet and let both slide into my jacket pocket. Cara went ahead and I followed her. In the hallway, we ran into Carlos. "Hey you two. Where you headed?" He smiled broadly at us and closed his room door behind him. "Cara's making me go for a walk. Do you want to come?", I asked, avoiding the conversation with Cara. I didn't feel like talking about boys right now, and she would certainly do that all the time. "I was actually going to work out some more," he dismissed with an apologetic smile. "Okay. Too bad. See ya." Cara pulled me along behind her, toward the elevators.

And here I am again with a new chapter! Lando's third podium together with Carlos and Max. A beautiful #carlando moment xD

I'm so abnormally happy for the three of them and I feel totally sorry for Charles. Monaco is just not his :/ But next it's off to Baku. I'm looking forward to it again. And then I would say until next week xD

-Yuna <3


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