✨F I V E✨

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When we arrived at the airport, we went through the checkpoint and immediately met the assembled team. "Hey, there's our model!" Cara was greeted by Carlos. Both of them were promptly deep in some kind of conversation. Okay, I had just lost my best friend. Not bad, at least her bad mood was gone now. Lucky for me. Some greeted me, others didn't even realise that Cara and I had arrived. Was the excitement always this high before a race?

"Hey Hailey. I texted you last night," came from Lando, smiling slightly at me. "Hi." In a moment, I felt hot again. I was uncomfortable talking to him alone. It always was, with everyone. He looked at me waitingly, me nervously wiping my sweaty hands on my pants. "Um yeah. I'm sorry, I only saw it this morning," I explained quickly, even feeling a little proud that I hadn't slurred my words at this rate. After all, I almost only ever spoke German at home and I, when nervous, quickly got into trouble with pronunciation. "It's okay." He smiled slightly at me again. "Have you ever been to a race?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. Damn, it looked cute. I nodded. "I have been. A couple of times. My dad and I.... Oh it doesn't matter." "Um okay. Are you coming to the track? It's my first race on Sunday." "Oh really? I'm afraid I can't come. I have to... um... I have to work," I mumbled overwhelmed and blushed. "Too bad, I would have really enjoyed it otherwise. Why are you there when you actually have to work?" "Didn't I already say that? Cara's making me come." "That's right. Want to sit right next to me?" I looked around at Cara, who seemed to be getting on brilliantly with Carlos, and then looked back up at Lando. "Mmm, I think so. If I don't get too annoying at some point," I laughed softly, turning my gaze back to the floor. "So twenty-two hours next to me gets annoying eventually, I think." "Next to Cara, too. So it doesn't really matter." "No, it really doesn't."

A little later we were actually sitting next to each other on the plane. Lando was typing on his phone while I had pulled out my MacBook and started rewriting my first chapters. I didn't want to translate, read, or really write, so all I had left to do was rewrite. "What are you doing?" came curiously from the side. Shocked, I looked up and flinched. "Mmh?", I gave out confusedly and looked in his direction. Lando had leaned towards me a little to get a better look at the screen. I noticed his eyes. Ocean blue eyes. I would certainly be able to sink into them. He had lovely, striking features, a straight nose and his lips had a beautifully curved shape. "So, what are you doing?" He pointed at the screen with a nod, at which I flinched, startled once again. I stifled a small sigh of relief, because thankfully he hadn't noticed any of my staring, and reflexively flipped my Macbook shut. "Uh, that's my book," I explained after Lando gave me a questioning look. "And I'm not allowed to read it, am I?" he smiled, leaning back again. "It's a romance novel, I don't think you'd be interested," I said, amused. "Yeah, okay. You're right. I'd probably find it boring," he admitted with a grin. "See." I leaned my head against the seat and closed my eyes. In a way, I was already tired. "I have some time tomorrow. Do you want to do something together then?" I looked over at him for a moment. "Let's see. What can you do?", I wanted to know and yawned. I quickly put a hand over my mouth. "Sorry," I mumbled, rubbing my face. "Not bad... uh. I don't know. Can look then." I nodded and leaned back again. I was really fucking tired all of a sudden, which made me want to just close my eyes for a second.

A bright giggle pulled me out of a dreamless sleep. Confused, I blinked several times until I became aware of my environment. "Why are you laughing Cara?", I asked and closed my eyes again tiredly. "Now you've woken her up!", Lando now joined in, my pillow vibrating. Promptly she fell silent again and I could hear her turning to me in the front seat. "Oh that just looked so cute," she explained, still giggling. "What looked cute?" "The way you slept on Lando's shoulder." Shocked, I snapped my eyes open. "I what?", I asked almost hysterically, straightening up. Promptly I blushed as I realised I hadn't been leaning against a pillow all this time. I got goose bumps and ruffled my hair. "Sorry, Lando," I pressed out between clenched teeth. "It's okay," he smiled, scratching the back of his head as if embarrassed. "But I couldn't wake you. Cara told me not to," he then added quietly. I had long since tried to kill Cara with my looks, which predictably didn't work. "You're impossible, do you know that?", I grumbled and crossed my arms in front of my chest, offended. "Why? You didn't think it was bad, did you?" she wanted to know. "What do I know? I was asleep," I hissed, but I actually noticed something. I had been sleeping quietly. "Quiet already," she said, putting her headphones back on.

"Here. You almost dropped this one," Lando said demurely, putting my MacBook on my knee. "Thanks," I smiled and opened it, where the screen shone directly at me. Oops, I hadn't turned it off at all. "Uh Lando. How long was I asleep?", I asked, glancing at the clock on the edge of the laptop. I couldn't really place how long I'd been asleep, I was really still too wired for that. "We land in Abu Dhabi in an hour," he explained. "Oh. Oops." He laughed softly. "It's okay."


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