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Cursing, I ripped the headphones off my head and stood up. I started pacing back and forth in front of the box, pondering. "The suspension?" I finally asked the engineer. He nodded and before I could say anything else, I saw Lando. I ran the last few metres to him, but stopped right in front of him. We just looked at each other for a moment, then I hugged him. He hugged me back and after I let go of him, he took off his helmet. "Are you okay?", I asked gently, taking his gloved hands in mine. He nodded dejectedly. Again I hugged him, but then walked with him down the pit lane back to the pits. Immediately he approached his engineer about it, but I was pulled along by Cara. "Do you think it's very bad?" she asked me quietly. "What do you mean?" "Lando." I looked over at him. "It's not his fault and he knows it. But he still won't be happy," I weighed the situation. "Then for now, you do your job as girlfriend and I'll devote myself to Carlos." I raised my eyebrows but said nothing more about it. I was merely surprised at how interested she suddenly was sitting in front of the monitors.

"You know it wasn't your fault?", I asked timidly. We had been sitting next to each other in silence for the last few minutes, just staring holes in the air. Jon, meanwhile, had left us alone in Lando's room, which I actually welcomed warmly. "Yeah, I know. It still bugs me." "I can understand," I muttered more to myself than to him. Failure like that always sucked. "Shall we give Carlos some support now?", I finally asked again, to which Lando nodded. "I'm sure the cameras got how you hugged me earlier," Lando finally drew attention to the reporters and whatnot. Crap. I hadn't thought at all earlier. "Actually, it doesn't matter," I said calmly. "No secret?" "I'd be pretty stupid if I tried to hide you," I said with a smile, taking his hand. "Did you finally admit it too," he puffed, playfully offended. "Mhm."

 "Hey Flo," I greeted the brunette as I took her call. "Hi. I was just wondering if you could come by the stables a little late tomorrow." "Sure, no problem. Is your trainer back by now?", I asked, as I wanted to find out. "We had talked the last few days about her wanting to keep me with her horses and that I would get riding lessons. Of course, only if I wanted it myself. Of course I had nothing against it. "He'll be back soon. One more month. At least that's what he said." She said Rick had been taken to hospital after a riding accident in the countryside and now had to go to the spa. Luckily my falls hadn't been that bad until now. "Okay, sure. I hope he'll be all right soon. But I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow," I said goodbye as I got an incoming call from Pam. "See you tomorrow. And say hi to Lando." "You your family too."

"Hey Hailey! Am I interrupting something?" the redhead asked immediately. I shook my head smiling. "Nope. Just wanted to write something in a minute. After all, you want to read the book soon." "It's only very short, too. But I told you I've been riding for a few weeks. But my grandma went into the hospital today. And you know what? The family is adopting me!" she exclaimed excitedly, making me look perplexed. "It's that easy?", I asked with raised eyebrows. She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but I'm so excited! That's just fantastic!" I smiled at her joy, even though it was all a bit suspect to me. I mean, it certainly wasn't easy to just adopt a child like that. Besides, adopt directly? Not be given as a foster family somehow? Mentally, I shrugged my shoulders again. I don't know, and I don't care. The only thing that mattered was that Pam was okay now. "They told me they already had a daughter, but she moved to England. But how do I act if she doesn't like me at all?" "I'm sure she'll be nice and who wouldn't like you please?" "You're right. I shouldn't always worry about things like that. Have a nice day. I have to pack my things now." Before I could say anything else in reply, she had simply hung up. I blinked a few times before getting up again and trotting upstairs to get my MacBook. Lando and Jon were training.

 And the time was coming soon. Soon I would be able to publish my book, because I had come quite far in the last few weeks. It was a single volume and I had had an idea for a new series for a long time. Still, I was already sad to write the last sentence. I never wanted to let the characters go and yet I had to, after all my books had to be finished. Just as I closed the MacBook, I heard the front door open. Delighted, I jumped up from the sofa and hurried into the hallway. There I fell into Lando's arms. He patted my back, rather taken by surprise. "Anything wrong?" he asked anxiously. I shook my head. "I just missed you," I admitted and detached myself from him again. "I'm here now," Lando murmured, hugging me tightly again. I protested, though. I pushed Lando off me and stood on my tiptoes so I could kiss Lando. A confused look on his face turned into a happy smile before he returned the kiss. "And what was that for?" "Just like that." I shrugged, smiling. He raised his eyebrows in disbelief, smirking slightly. "Let me be. After all, I'm your girlfriend," I defended myself rather unnecessarily, actually. "Yeah yeah, alright." He pulled me to him again and before I could react, I felt his lips on mine. "I'm streaming tonight, by the way. If you want, you can try the simulator too," the brunette offered, to which I nodded enthusiastically. "So if you don't mind, I'll be happy to go for a ride. But go take a shower first," I then giggled and headed towards the bathroom. "So what are you up to?" asked Lando, slightly confused. "Showering," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.


More than a little overwhelmed, I sat in Lando's gaming room. "They'll ask why I'm here," I remarked nervously. "Do we tell them the truth?" I nodded. "But not until someone asks. Maybe some will figure it out right away." Lando agreed with me and started the stream. In a good mood he greeted the chat while I nervously slid back and forth on the chair. Immediately the first comments came.

Is Lailey real?

Is Hailey really your girlfriend?

Are you together?

And more questions like that popped up instantly. Okay, I didn't expect that. Lando smiled and then turned to me. His look was questioning. I took from it the question of who would tell them. I nodded at him, which he also understood. Then he turned back to his audience. "Actually, I was just going to start a normal stream of Hailey trying out the simulator, but since you're all asking the same thing, you deserve an answer too. Yes, we're together." Immediately, the chat just exploded. But not only was it overwhelmed with congratulations, but my mobile phone wouldn't stop vibrating. Somewhat distraught, I picked it up and read the notifications. I quickly noticed that almost half of them were stories from fan pages where we had been tagged. Many had pictures of the two of us online. Most of them I didn't even know existed. But most of the pictures were from Canada when we hugged. And even though so many were happy for us, I received hate messages. Lots of threats. I nudged Lando who was fiddling with something on the computer. I held out my mobile phone to him, where he immediately took note of the messages. He didn't look too happy about it, which I understood. I didn't find it particularly thrilling either. "And I have a request for you. Please stop the hate and please make sure no one spreads it. It's hurting people." I cleared my throat. "And especially me. Not even ten minutes ago we posted it here and I've already got mean comments about it," I remarked. In the chat, we actually received support. "Thank you. And shall we now? I'm curious if I can still drive." Lando nodded, but looked a little glum. You just shouldn't let comments like that spoil your mood. Wow. That was just me saying that, someone who is probably one of the most emotionally unstable.

I honestly didn't expect it to be so much fun. Many asked if I would do this more often, to which I replied in the negative. "I actually drove myself once," I admitted, but kept my focus. "Apart from you being the driver here, I'm breaking your records right now," I then said with a grin, and immediately scored the fastest lap as well. "Noticed it too," he grumbled in a huff. "Yeah, love you too."  

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