Chapter 1

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The rain pours as I walk through London. Cars honking and people shouting all around It gives me a headache. My name is Percy Jackson son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon. Yeah I know what your thinking, you mean the Savior of Olympus, bane of titans, slayer of giants, one of the strongest demigods to ever live? Yeah that's me, but I left that world behind. I am now 22 and have been running from country to country so no one finds me. Your probably wondering why I'm running around. Well let's start at the beginning.


Leo and Octavian had just tried to blow up Gaia. Notice how I said trying. After the blast everyone was knocked down and in a state of disarray. Piper and Jason were unconscious from the fall, Frank and Reyna were trying to round up the legion, Hazel was helping the Greeks and Romans while on Arion, and Annabeth was helping me get up. Through the smoke we see Gaia laughing she said "Foolish demigods did you think a mere blast would kill me?" I stand up and look at Annabeth and told her that I love her then I charged at Gaia. The battle had already started again as I went to Gaia. Gaia says "Well if it isn't Jackson, I'll deal with you first, then I'll deal with the rest of your friends". I saw red and rushed at Gaia the only the thing going through my mind was "Slash, Dodge, woah that's a dirt sword she's using. How does that work?" Next thing I get knocked down. I get right back up panting heavily. Gaia's just a little bit out of breath holding her side. She mocks me "Is this really the Savior of Olympus, all I see is someone that hides behind his friends. Just look". I turn around the demigods are winning but barely and everyone's falling left and right. I see Annabeth being surrounded by monsters. Jason and Piper are up fighting again both had a broken bone  from the fall. As I continue to look at everyone fighting I feel something take over. Later on people told me my eyes started glowing. I feel the crystal ball inside my stomach completely shatter. I hold out my hand out of instinct and a trident flies into my hand. I feel a rush of power like I've never felt before. The earth beneath my feet, the ocean hundreds of yards away, and the water in the air. I look at Gaia, I smirk, then I charge her while her mouth is open in shock. I have riptide in my right hand and the trident in my left hand clashing and parrying Gaia's dirt sword. I can't last much longer, but apparently Gaia was more injured from the blast then we thought. I think about everyone who's died Leo, Silena, Bianca, Zoe, Beckendorf, Luke, Ethan, and Castor. I can't let all of them of died for nothing. I roar and stab Riptide into the ground. The earth starts shaking violently and a storm with large hail, thunder, and lighting forms. I scream and hurl the trident as hard as I can at Gaia. She stands there gaping as different forces of nature follow the trident water, ice, wind, and earth come at her. She screams and then boom! I look around and collapse.

I wake up in the with Apollo standing over me. I try to punch him in the face. He squeals and dodges it and starts talking "Hey cuz, dad wants you to come to the throne room now" I slowly walk towards the throne room and enter. Immediately everything goes silent. I walk over to where where the rest of the seven, Nico, Reyna, and Thalia were standing and grab Annabeth hand. "Did I miss anything" I ask Annabeth. "No one tried to kill us yet" she answers. Zeus interrupts our conversation shouting "demigods we are here today to honor the fallen and the might of the gods in the defeat of Gaia". I roll my eyes and zone everything he says about how great the gods are. Did they go to Tartarus? Did they kill Gaia? No I don't think so. Zeus shouts "Jason Grace". Jason walks up and Zeus shimmers into his Roman form, Jupiter. "You have done well my son, I offer you any gift". Jason asks for all of the gods to be recognized. Jupiter grumbles something about godhood and heroes. Aphrodite calls Piper forward and grants her also one gift. She asks for Athena's blessing. Athena looks shocked but nods. Frank and Hazel are also called up and they both asked for their curse to be removed. Nico asks for is father to be added to the council. Zeus throws a fit in that one, but agrees anyway. Reyna is given the job as consul to Rome. Hazel is voted enthusiastically into praetorship. Thalia is once again promised more hunters and Elysium for the fallen ones. Annabeth is called up and she is granted her own architecture firm. When I was finally called up by my father who looks at me with pride. I asked for Lady Hestia to get a throne and for the peaceful titans to be released like they should've been. As the ceremony is over the party starts. My father pulls me aside and tells me that the he gave me his trident to fight Gaia. He explained to me how I was one of the few demigods to ever break through the seal on the powers that the fates themselves believed to have placed. According to what my dad says is what the crystal ball shattering was. He hands me a ring a silver ring with a blue trident on it and a silver ring with a sea-green trident . He tells me if I twist them a trident, with a shorter handle and prongs, will appear in each hand . After we talk some more, he hugs me and says "I'm proud of you son and I love you very much" then teleports me to my mom's house.

Two months later since the giant war. The Romans went back to Camp Jupiter along with Hazel, Frank, and Reyna. Piper and Jason left to search for Leo, who Nico says isn't dead, and the hunters left right after the ceremony. Camp is going well I've hung out with my old friends a lot like Grover and the Stolls. I've also been practicing my powers. I've been able to use all of them but I have trouble controlling them and making it last for long periods of time. I accidentally destroyed the dining pavilion while practicing my powers. That went over well explaining to Chiron. I decided to call the Tridents "Earthshaker"(Sea-green trident) and "Stormbringer" (Blue trident) because both the names sounded cool. The only downside is Annabeth has been distant. She asked me to meet her at the beach today.

When I get to the beach she tells me she's can't be in a relationship. She says that her work is what keeps her distracted from the war, and that I distract her from her work. She tells me that she is sorry and walks away.  I'm angry but more just hurt. As the days go by I can't stand doing anything in camp without it reminding me of her. I talk to Chiron and he allows me to leave. Grover, Juniper, Nico, Will, Clarisse, Chris, Katie, Lou Ellen, and the Stolls meet me at the Thalia's Tree to say goodbye. I make them promised not to yell at Annabeth when she comes back and I turn around stab Riptide into the ground and walk away. No looking back.

-End of Flashback-

After that you think, hey it can get any worse. That's where your wrong. Three months later in December I am sitting in math class when the door is slammed open and the windows are broken and the FBI rushes into the classroom. They shout for everyone to put their hands up and point their guns at me. We put our hands up and they grab me roughly and and bring me to their vehicles outside where they shove me in the back of one. I am taken and put in jail for a week and then I have my trial. None of my friends show. The trial is a scam apparently me trying not do die and accidentally blowing stuff up makes me a terrorist. My mom, who is expecting a daughter soon, is in tears in the middle of the court room. Paul isn't much better. I tell them I love them and I'll see them again at some point, then I'm taken away. I am shoved into the back of an armored vehicle. As I sit there I start feeling drowsy I try to get out of the car but I end up falling unconscious.

I woke up and discovered I was taken by HYDRA. Every day I hoped someone would come for me. For a year they experimented and hurt me until I broke. They made made me a blank page, they gave me a serum they called the super soldier serum. I was code named The Oceanic Soldier, fitting apparently they could see my tridents which were made out of Atlantean steel and Celestial Bronze. They called the steel Adamantium. HYDRA sent me on assassination, smuggling, robbing, and covert missions. I did this unwillingly for three years until HYDRA and SHEILD were both destroyed by Captain America, Black Widow, and the Falcon. Luckily I was a need to know, on paper, assignment or everything about me would be released to the public. I was 21 when I escaped now I'm doing my best to survive.

What do you think of the first chapter? Please only positive criticism. This is my first book.

I'm trying to figure out who to pair Percy with here our the options:


OC Daughter of Tony Stark

Someone else

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