Chapter 17

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Percy sits in a quinjet twisting the silver ring with a blue trident that is on his right hand. He is waiting to get a stern talking to from Steve for disappearing on them.

Percy observes everyone on the ship. Sam looks relatively the same as he did a year ago. Although he has grown a little bit of a beard. Natasha had cut her hair and dyed it blonde. Steve had grown a beard and let his hair grow out a bit. It also looked a little darker. Elizabeth was also there it looked like she had refused to do anything to disguise herself. His eyes lingered on her for a spiky second longer than it had on everyone else.

When Sam had gotten them to a high enough altitude he turned on autopilot and came to the back with the rest of them.

Percy fondly remembered the day his dad and Zeus had a fight in front of the rest of the council about how Percy should be able to go into the sky without the fear of dying. The argument ended when Hestia reminded Zeus that Poseidon did not bother his kids when they were in the water.

"So..." Sam said awkwardly.

Percy snapped out of his thoughts and looked at them.


"Hey...hey that's all your going to say. You disappeared for a whole year leaving only a single note with no answers, and you haven't contacted us once. You better have a good reason for contacting us now." Elizabeth angrily said while glaring at him.

Percy thought he heard Sam mumble something about trouble in paradise, but no one else seemed to hear it so he thinks he must have imagined it.

Percy's mind then went to his reason for leaving. The hunters of Artemis were getting closer to finding him, and he couldn't get these guys to keep moving without telling them the truth. Which he was not doing. So he left.

Steve put a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder to calm her down before looking at Percy with a raised eyebrow. Percy understood what he was asking.

"I called because there's a war coming."

"We heard that on the phone. How do you know there's a war coming?" Natasha cut in.

"I just do, but Thor is dead. A purple dude named Thanos killed him to get his hands on the tesseract. The tesseract is actually a stone which he called the space stone. Thanos has the power stone already, and he says there are two more stones on Earth. I don't know much about these stones but they ate strong and if I had to guess these stones can give people powers."

"How do you even know this is real? I mean what did you get this form a dream?" Elizabeth questioned not really in the mood to believe anything he says.

"More or less" Percy mumbles to himself.

Steve looked at him as of trying to figure him out. "Say we do believe this is happening how do we know who has these stones?"

"Vision" Natasha said suddenly realizing what Percy had been implying. "The stone in his forehead have the Maximoff twins there powers along with Elizabeth. We've also seen Vision do things that not even Thor could do"

Percy just nods as of that is what he was suggesting. "If we get to Vision before they do then we could protect him"

"There might be a slight problem with that" Sam said.


"We don't know where Vision is."

"Isn't he with Stark?"

"Nope him and Wanda have been meeting each other every once and a while, but a few weeks ago we lost contact with Wanda."

"So let me get this straight we lost a robot that might have the ability to destroy the entire Earth, and you lost the one person that might be able to talk him out of it."

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