Chapter 3

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2 Years Later

I'm punching a punching bag in my room as visions swarm my head. Fighting Kronos, Tartarus,  the HYDRA scientist and their experiments, the faces of innocents that died because of me. As the visions pile up I keep punching harder and harder until the bag snaps off the chain. As I go to pick up the bag Bucky shouts "Hey Percy look at this".

I walk into the living room of the small apartment in Bucharest. On the TV is a NEWS channel with a breaking news sign flashing and then a burning building. In front of it is Captain America patting a crying girl on the back. I look at Bucky worried how he'll react to this. "You okay Bucky?" I ask worried about my brother in everything but blood. He nods and walks over to his notebook which contains everything that he's found out about his past. It's kind of hard to find out all the details when the Avengers destroy all the HYDRA bases. "Just give me a little while" he rubs his temples. 

"Take your time" I walk off to the bathroom and I splash water on my face I notice my scars from the HYDRA experiments on my arms and neck. I also notice my face. My eyes are bloodshot and I have dark circles under my eyes. I look exhausted the nightmares won't stop. I'm sure Bucky notices but he out of everyone understands there's nothing that can be done. I just have to tough it out. I put on my happy face and walk out of the bathroom.

Later that week there is an announcement. The United Nations agreed to make the Sokovia Accords, which is basically a paper that says the government can control anyone with powers.  They will be meeting one week from now to sign these Accords. "I'm sure this will go well" Bucky says angrily. I nod knowing he's right. 

What do you think of the chapter? Please only positive criticism. This is my first book.

I'm trying to figure out who to pair Percy with here our the options:


OC Daughter of Tony Stark

Someone else

Please know that I'm looking for options. This is not set in stone.

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