Chapter 7

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The Meeting

In Long Island, New York a meeting is going on. The news is playing in the background about the missing suspect of the destruction of the UN building, an accomplice, and two  Avengers.

"Are we sure it's him"

"That's impossible"

"He has some nerve"

The yelling and shouting continues until a video image of a woman with blond hair and stormy gray eyes yells. "Shut up"

They all fall silent and look at the Iris Message.

"Yes it was Percy, or as he wanted me to call him Perseus."

"What did he say to you?" a boy with electric blue eyes, blond hair.

"He didn't really say much. He mocked me and yelled at me mainly."

The man frowns making the scar above his lip more visible.

A woman with kaleidoscopic eye and choppy brown hair puts her hand ,that's not holding a child, on his arm to calm him. "At least we know he is ok."

"Grover could have told us that" an angry looking girl says.

"Clarisse is that necessary" a man with a babyish face ask in the corner.

The person named Clarrise glared at him.

"Guys we are getting nowhere" Hazel says sitting beside Frank.

"Hazel's right we need to speak  to him" Jason says.

"Well what's the plan guys, it's not like we can just walk up to him and talk." Leo says while working on a machine in his hand.

"Why not fight him, there's a ton of us and one of him" Clarrise growls.

Annabeth answers her. "I don't think that will work Clarrise. When he escaped his cell he just shattered it like it was nothing." She looks around before talking again. "I was looking at some classified files and multiple organizations have put him with connection to HYDRA. He also mentioned HYDRA when I interviewed him. I think that HYDRA gave him the Super Soldier Serum."

"What is the super soldier serum." Leo asks.

"It's what Captain America has Leo." Piper tells him while rolling her eyes.

Leo's mouth drops. "But how did he get it and secondly how do you know he has it"

"The only logical explanation is HYDRA gave it to him whether willingly or unwillingly I don't know. For your second question I saw the video of him trying to escape before he was taken into custody. He took out multiple armed guards before anyone could even blink. Not even godly blood does that."

"I'm sorry Annabeth what do you mean by willingly or unwillingly." Nico says.

"Nico I only mean..."

"No, out of all the people here you should know he would never work for an organization like HYDRA ." Nico interrupts. "I'm only talking to you because you have information on Percy. Now here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to let Percy live his life. He left this life for a reason and I'm not the one who's going to get him to come back." With that Nico gets up and leaves.

"So what are we going to do?" Piper asks.

"There is word Iron Man is gathering people that support the accords to stop Captain America. The last known place Captain America was is the same spot Percy fell in the water. Captain America is trying to protect his friend, so is Percy. If we find one of them we will probably find them all." Annabeth tells them.

"Your rambling get to the point."

"If Iron Man was trying to stop Captain America then he might find Percy also. The easiest way to find Percy is to help Iron Man's team search. I could always leak information about an enhanced individual who supports the accords."

"But won't that mean we might end up fighting Percy." Grover asks.

Annabeth hesitates. "It's possible"

"I'm sorry weren't you just saying that we shouldn't fight him" Leo asks.

"I meant us fighting him. We know him so we have limits on how hard we'll fight. The  team Tony Stark is building has no limits against fighting him." Annabeth responds.

"But who would be dumb enough to fight him." Leo says while chuckling.

"I will." Jason says standing up.

"Hey Jason when someone says something is dumb that does not mean you volunteer." Leo mutters.

"I'm the logical answer. To fight his powers that person will need his powers. Leo has fire which is weak to water, Hazel is not available, and Nico won't fight him."

"I thought we were trying not to fight him." Grover asks.

"Grover's right we need to try and talk to him first. We need someone else." Piper sends Jason an apologetic look. "No offense Jason you and Percy were  never exactly good at agreeing on things."

"Well then who is going to go? A fight is still possible I mean if Percy was hurt by HYDRA then he might still be unstable."

"I'll go." Frank says.

"Frank you don't have too." Hazel says.

"Yes I do, me and Percy were close enough where I may be able to talk to him a little bit."

"Y'all are both dumb" Leo says.

"No it could work." Annabeth says.

Everyone looks over at her. She sits thinking for a moment.

"Frank needs to be the one that try's to talk to Percy. He can also handle himself, but we can never be to careful. I want Jason to go as support in case  something goes wrong."

"Y'all are talking about Percy like he's a time bomb. Percy is still Percy he's just hurt." Grover says.

Annabeth ignores the comment. "I will leak information about two enhanced individuals. I'm sure Tony Stark will hear about this and try and get as much help as possible."

"If we do manage to get Percy to come with us what will happen to him." Frank asks.

"I don't know. Even if he was somehow controlled by HYDRA he is still not following the Sokovia Accords. The best we can do right now is to get him to cooperate."

Everyone sits there with grim faces.

Leo claps "well let's get to it.I believe in you guys."

Everyone looks over at him. He shrugs "Just trying to ease the tension."

Hundreds of miles away a man is waking up from unconsciousness for the second time today.

I'm going to try to get back into regular updates. Probably every other day or so. Next chapter there will be a interesting turn of events.

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