Chapter 6

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The Cell

Percy wakes up to find himself strapped into a chair that's in a large glass box. He feels the picture in his pocket. He looks around and sees no one. They must have been taken somewhere else.

I sit there for 15 more minutes just blankly staring at the wall when I hear a door click open.

"Hello Percy it's been a while". Someone says.

I freeze. I recognize that voice. It's her. I look over and see her blonde curls and stormy gray eyes that I used to love. I catch myself before I give away anything. I decide to just play quiet and see where this is going.

"You've caused quite a bit of problems the past few years. Brazil, Washington D. C., Germany. I see the list goes on and on."

She silent for a moment "Percy...."

"You can call me Perseus." I say with a cold stare.

Her eyes turn stormier. She stands up straighter. "Well then I have been ordered to talk to talk to you.  You can either cooperate or we will do this the hard way. Understood."


"Very well I am going to start off with a few simple questions. What is your name?

More silence.

"Perseus the only way we can help you is if you cooperate."

I bark out a laugh.

"Help me? Help me? Where were you a couple of years ago when I needed help. When I was being experimented on by HYDRA. When I was being used to harm innocent people? I'm not helping you."

She sits there for a moment. "You don't have to help us; But your going to be stuck in here for the rest of your life unless you cooperate."

"Why exactly would I be stuck in here exactly. I've done nothing willingly wrong."

She gives me a look. "Whether willingly or unwillingly you were working for HYDRA. You also disobeyed the Sokovia Accords. That second one alone could put you in prison."

"Why are you here Annabeth."

"What do you mean?"

"You say you are want me to cooperate. Why exactly?"

"I am here to give you a physichological exam. Answer my questions and we can help you. Okay."

I nod my head mockingly up and down.

"How have you felt the past couple of years?"


"Why Perseus?"

"I missed the release of Finding Dory." I say smirking.

She glares at me and is about to talk again when she freezes. She gets up and packs quickly. She then looks over at me. "We will finish this later"

"You better not spoil Finding Dory next time."

She gets up and walks out.

Before she fully exits I shout. "Tell the people talking in  your ear I said hello."

The door slams shut behind her.


I sit there for who knows how long when I start hearing crashes, screaming, and alarms. My door flies open and I see an unconscious person on the floor. Standing over him is Bucky. However Bucky's eyes are cold and unwavering. I immediately realize the Winter Soldier has returned. He looks at me. Then looks away and walks down the hallway.

The silence is unnerving. I try to shake too get out of my handcuffs but I know it's no use. I decide to use the last resort. I concentrate and feel a tug in my gut. Frost starts forming on the glass cell. I keep focusing until everything around me is coated in ice. As soon as everything is frozen I stand up and everything shatters. I walk to the door and look around. I notice a huge path of destruction. I realize my biggest chance to find Bucky is following is path, so that's what I do.

I am still running. I've seen lots of people but they were all unconscious. I run up a flight of stairs and when I get to the top there is a door to outside. I run through the door and see a helicopter looking like it's about to fly away with Bucky in it. I notice a man trying to hold the helicopter but is losing his hold. I run over to help. I grab the helicopter and start pulling it back to the helicopter pad. The rotors hit the pad and everything goes to chaos. Me and the other dude dodge the giant rotors and the tail of the helicopter. Everything is silent for a moment until Bucky shatter the glass and starts choking me. My hands are trying to pull his metal arm off. Everything starts turning blurry and then I lurch forward.

"Not again"

I hear shouting and everything falls silent.

I know it's been a little while. Sorry about that I struggled to figure out what I was going to do with the story. I have an outline of what I want to do now. There will be a big change one of the next few chapters.

I have also been thinking of other stories I think would be cool to right. Which ones do you like the most?

Percy Jackson in the Howling Commandos and Agent Carter.

Percy Jackson is sick of this the peace and quiet. How many lives could he saved if he was stronger. He is visited by the fates and sent to 1939.

Don't know who to pair Percy with yet.

Percy Jackson Alex Rider

Percy never wanted to have a life of violence, but when you're a demigod you don't get a choice. Percy and his family move to Britain where he meets a suspicious kid named Alex Rider who is constantly sick. What will the MI6 do when having one of the most dangerous people in the world under their control.

Don't know who to pair Percy with yet.

Percy Jackson is Clint Barton

Percy Jackson has moved on. He has left Camp Half-Blood and now works for SHIELD. He covers his identity by using the blessing Apollo gave him. He has a family and new friends. His name is Clint Barton.

Will still be married to Laura Barton. 

The Elemental Council

Earth was destroyed. The nuclear war ended the normal life for everyone. Out of the ashes seven kingdoms rose. Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Darkness, Lightning, Nature. Kingdoms at war, alliances fall, enemies made, and in the middle of it Percy Jackson as the King of the water nation.

Percy would be with an OC. This story  I made up off the top of my. With ideas from other things of course.

Percy Jackson x OC

Andromeda Potter is the older sister of Harry Potter. Of course what they don't know is her mother is Hemera, a primordial goddess. How will Andromeda deal with challenges at Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood, and her family. It doesn't help when a boy with Sea-Green eyes shows up.

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