Chapter 2

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I walk into my apartment I got using the Mist. I'm ready to just collapse in my bed, nightmares aren't fun. I look around and notice someone's been in here. I instinctively reach for a gun I keep in my jacket. I know it's shocking I have a gun, but using a trident in the middle of a fancy party is not exactly covert. I look around to see what the person took and I don't notice anything missing. Instead there is a note saying to meet at the park down the road at six pm. I should probably sleep since I barely have slept the past couple nights. Instead I put a knife in my right boot and I put my gun back in the inside pocket of my jacket then go scope out the park.

Nothing. No backup and no traps. I have been watching the park for the past 2 hours from the coffee shop right down the road. Who ever it is either has no friends or does not want to start a fight. As six o'clock arrives I start walking over there. I look around until I see someone who looks very similar to me. He has long black hair that reaches his shoulders covered by a baseball cap and blue eyes. Besides the eyes we could be brothers especially since I've let my hair grow out also. However, similarities are not my concern at the moment. I can tell by the way he leans left slightly that he is off balance. He doesn't have any weapons, but I see a flash of silver in-between his sleeve and glove on his left arm. I realize he doesn't have any because he is the weapon. I immediately know who this is.

The Winter Soldier. We passed each other once at the Nigeria base, but we didn't talk. I slowly start inching my hand towards my gun. The he speaks "I'm not here for a fight". "Then what are you here for?" I ask coldly. "Answers" is his reply. "Answers about what?" I ask. He growls "don't lie to me, I remember you from the Nigeria base". I look around to make sure no one else is listening "What do you want to know" I sigh. "Do you have your memories back?". I nod my head up and down "Yes I do, what about you?". He scowls "bits and pieces" which makes since they've been mind wiping him for decades. He whispers "Is HYDRA really gone?". "That group called the Avengers is taking care of the bases according to the news. Although I don't think HYDRA is completely gone." He nods and then asks "What are you going to do now?". "Explore the world and hide. That's what I've been doing. You?". "Just trying to find answers" he says stiffly. I see he needs help and I want to help but it I'm hesitant. Firstly because I don't like trusting anyone anymore, especially HYDRA agents. Secondly because I don't want anyone to see me weak with my nightmares of HYDRA and Tartarus. The last reason is because of my scent. The monsters haven't bothered me yet, but they could show up at any time. That's why I haven't returned to my mom's house, I don't want to put her and her family in danger. A little battle goes on inside my head till I realize that he was also brain washed by HYDRA. When I realize this fact I know what I need to do. "How about this. I'll help you get answers and you give me someone besides the wall to talk to. I'm warning you though trouble seems to follow me." He nods his head ands says "looks like there's another thing we have in common" then we shake on it. 

What do you think of this chapter? Please only positive criticism. This is my first book.

I'm trying to figure out who to pair Percy with here our the options:


OC Daughter of Tony Stark

Someone else

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