Chapter 11

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Battle Time

Percy runs through the runway of the airport when he catches up with the rest of the team.

"Come on." Steve shouts.

They all sprint through the airport when a giant beam of energy slices the runway. They all have to stop.

"Captain Rogers. I know what you believe you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now."

Iron man's team shows up. Percy notices basically everyone has a suit except him. He is still in jeans and a T-shirt. Iron man has his armor, the other iron man also has armor, the living robot is a suit, a kid that looks younger than Percy is wearing red and blue spandex, the only girl in that side has a black spy outfit on, and Frank and Jason have Kevlar vest on with protective helmets. Then on his side Captain America has his uniform, Sam has the Falcon suit, Lang has a suit, Wanda has a suit, Clint has a spy suit, Bucky looks like an assassin in his clothes, and Elizabeth also has a Captain America suit that basically a knock off of the original suit.

"What do we do, Cap?"

"We fight."

Percy hear someone mumble. "This is gonna end well". Right before the teams stride toward each other with a grim determination.

"They're not stopping." Percy hears spandex kid say.

"Neither are we." Everyone breaks into a sprint.

Captain America and Iron Man start fighting instantly with iron Man throwing the first punch. War Machine and Falcon fight in the air with War Machine chasing Falcon. Bucky and T'Challa throw punches at each other. Clint shoots an explosive arrow at Iron Man which hits him. Lang gets thrown by Natasha while Spider-Man struggles to dodge objects being thrown at him by Wanda. Clint and Natasha start fighting.

"We're still friends right?"

"Depends on how hard you hit me." Before Natasha can hit him hard she is thrown away by Wanda.

"You were pulling you punches."

Meanwhile Percy is fighting Frank. Frank transforms into a dragon and blows fire at Percy which Percy just runs through it. Frank transforms into a mouse to dodge Percy's punch and then transforms into a gorilla to punch Percy from behind. Before the punch can be pulled off Percy twists around and kicks Frank in the face. The gorilla stumbles back stunned. Percy turns around to see Elizabeth flying in the air fighting Jason. He sees Jason try to swipe at her with his sword, but she just fazes through it and kicks him in the back.

Percy has an idea "Oi. Miss America switch."

She glares at him for calling her that but listens to him. Percy rushes to Jason and summons his tridents. Jason meets his tridents with his sword. They start fighting. After a few minutes the only reason at this point Jason is surviving is because of his instincts and years of experience.

"Alright I've had enough of this." Percy mumbles. He chucks his trident at Jason which throws Jason back into a wall knocking him out."

Percy talks into his com. "Guys even if we could beat all of them. The Feds will be here before we are finished. What's the plan?"

"Percy's right. We got to go. That guys probably in Siberia by now." Bucky says.

"We have to draw out the flyers. I'll take vision. You get to the jet." Steve says.

Sam'a com crackles to life. "No, you get to the jet. Both of you. The rest of us won't make it out of here in time."

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it."

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