Chapter 4

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I shoot out of bed grabbing the gun from underneath my pillow. It was just a dream. "Oi Bucky" I shout down the hall. Silence. He usually responds and tells me to shut up. I walk out of my room already dressed and burst into his room. No one is there. I look at his alarm clock and it says 12:08 PM. I slept in, but who could blame me I usually only get like an hour or two to sleep. I hear the TV running, their still talking about the United Nations building blowing up in Vienna a couple of days ago "Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes." 

I don't hear anything else I sprint into my room grab my gun and bag, I put on a sweatshirt, then I start running. The only thought running through my head is I have to find Bucky. I think of what he could be doing. When I can't think of anything I stop. Deep breath. In and out, in and out. I let my senses wander. I smell the food down the street. I see the guy across the street on the phone. I hear the sirens. Sirens. They sound like there near my apartment building. I walk back to the apartment at a normal pace so that I do not draw suspicion. I notice all the police cars outside of the building and the helicopter above. I run into the building and see someone falling through the middle of the stairwell. I catch him then punch him in the face. Everyone is on the top floor so I start running up. When I got to the top everyone has already jumped out the broken window or was unconscious. I roll my eyes "Just great" get a running start and jump through the window. As I fall I notice it's a lot farther than it looks "Oh crap".

I land, roll and start running again. If I had time I would give myself a medal for that landing, but my best friend is being chased by a dude in a cat suit, a human flag, and a giant bird. As I continue to chase after them  I notice them jump into the middle of the tunnel. Naturally, I follow. I realize I'm too far behind so I decide to get a car. There are cars everywhere, but no Ferrari's. So I chase a blue Honda Civic and throw the driver out of the car, I get in,  and slam on the gas pedal. I catch up quickly. I pass the the human flag and cat and drive up next to a running Bucky. "How do you manage to cause this much chaos in such a little amount of time?". 

He responds "I just wanted a plum" then jumps onto the roof of the car. Apparently during me and Bucky's enlightening chat the police made a road block. I jump out of the car and jump over the barrels to the other side of the highway. Bucky does the same but jumps off of the car and flips over the barrels. 

"Show off" I mutter. We continue to ignore what is going on behind us and just run for our lives. I do however notice a motorcycle gang riding toward us. I know without looking at Bucky that he is thinking the same thing. We synchronously push two guys off their bike do a 180 and drive off all in five seconds. 

"Block the road" I shout hearing the sirens and fighting catching up to us. He throws a grenade as we ride through a tunnel and there is a bang. For a second I think we're home free then I see Bucky's motorcycle dip and roll into my cycle. We fall to the ground fast and painfully.

I summon my tridents knowing guns will be useless and get up. I see cat man standing over Bucky. I run over to help, but Captain America makes it before I do and throws him off of Bucky. I point both my tridents at the cat. I look over and see Captain America holding a hand out in front of Bucky. We're all standing there waiting to see who will make the first move. I'm thinking about the quickest way to get rid of these two guys, grab Bucky, and run. Before I or anyone else can come up with a plan army and police cars come swarming in. We are surrounded in a couple of seconds  all the guns are trained on the four of us. Then a gray metal robot drops in from the sky and points his hands at Bucky and cat man. He points his machine gun at Captain America and he aims his rockets at me. 

"Stand down now". 

We all freeze.

"Congratulations Cap, your a criminal" robot says. 

The army starts moving in, a couple of them go grab the Falcon, the rest start moving towards us. Captain America lowers his shield. I drop my tridents and Bucky gets out of his fighting stance. Cat man puts his hands up and slowly moves them to his helmet and takes it off. Everyone is surprised but tries not to show it. Cat man is T'Challa the son of the Wakandan king who died in the bombing at the UN building. He just glares at Captain America and Bucky.

"Your highness" robot man says. 

During this interaction I am unconsciously shaking. I don't want to go back to a cell. I can't. Ever since HYDRA took me I I've hated tight spaces. I look at Bucky he nods and we both lash out. 

Everything happened so quickly.  I remember grabbing the two soldiers behind me and slamming their heads together knocking them unconscious. Everyone was screaming. I saw four more soldiers running and aiming guns at me. I rush forward  and punch one in the gut, I hit one in the temple, I jab one in their solar plexus, and judo-flip the last one. I grabbed one of their guns ready to shoot when I hear a voice. 

"Stand down or he dies" I turn around quickly and aim at the voice. It was robot man he was standing over Bucky with his hands and machine gun pointed at his face. I hesitate for one second, but apparently that was all the time they needed. I feel a searing pain across my body and look down. There are cables attached to my body that are sparking with electricity. I try to fight the pain, but it's a losing battle. I curl over and scream. I hear sirens, screams, and shouts begin around me. The world starts spinning and I fall to the ground. The last thing I remember is seeing a second robot suit standing over me and taking off their helmet. Before I can see who it is the darkness overtakes me.

What do you think of the chapter? Did you think the first action scene was okay?

I'm trying to figure out who to pair Percy with here our the options:


OC Daughter of Tony Stark

Someone else

Please know that I'm just looking for different options. None of this is set in stone yet.

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