Chapter 49 - Clear up

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It had taken weeks to clear up the rubble from the collapse. New barrier materials were scarce and keeping stray 'walkers' from entering the premises was proving to be a difficult task. It wasn't until a permanent position was made on the 'look-out' tower that people began to feel safe again.

The warm breeze around Alexandria got hotter every day, encouraging more families to assist in the re-model of their town. Children were once again playing in the streets and for the first time in a long time, everyone was happy.

Lou had once considered Rick to be a danger, not just to himself but to everyone within the confinement of their walls but now, she thought him to be one of her closest allies. A friend. So, in the weeks prior he had depended on her and Daryl to gather supplies and entrusted them with the civilians well-being.

She hurried through the streets, nodding at her group as she passed them and made her way towards the front gate. Her raven hair was pulled into a neat ponytail that hung down the back of her head, stopping just above her shoulder blade. It was far too long for her taste. A dark blue tank top hugged her torso, held tightly in place by the buckle of her torn jeans and a black leather jacket, that sat, tied, around her waist. The sling she once wore had long since gone and she rejoiced in having full movement of both her arms again; being able to use her bow only further increased her glee.

Daryl smirked at her as she strode towards him. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be" she said, smiling at him as he nodded and walked at her side. "Spence, open up"

The young adult pushed the gate to the side and waited patiently for them to walk through the gap. Louise mumbled a 'thanks' in his direction and took off towards the forest, stopping briefly as she hit the three line to ensure Daryl was close behind.

They walked slowly, crouching every few meters to check the fresh tracks that they had been following. Sunrise had aided their pursuit, providing much needed light in the overgrown leaves. The rays bounced off her pale skin. Soft ginger freckles danced across her shoulders and down the top of her biceps, scattering around her scars delicately.

It wasn't until she started talking, that Daryl realized he had been staring.

"Seriously, I'm getting so sick of hunting for food all the time" she sighed, turning her body briefly to look at him. "You know, what I wouldn't give for a take-out pizza?"

He chuckled softly and smirked at the huntress as she turned back around "Merle used to love a good burger"

"Burger and fries" she reminisced, tasting the meal on her tongue. "Bacon cheeseburger, all the fixings...yes-"

Daryl's hand closed around her mouth.

Quickly, he pulled her backwards and held her body against a thick tree trunk to their left. His palm remained against her face as he shielded her body with his own. With his spare hand, he brought a finger to his lips, pointed behind them and shook his head. A horde of 'walkers' were making their way through the forest, tightly packed together, snarling and growling. There was less than three meters distance between them, so as Daryl dropped his hand, she grabbed it instinctively. She locked their fingers together, giving her the smallest fraction of comfort. He didn't move away. Instead, he squeezed her hand reassuringly and nodded at her.

He rested his free palm against the tree next to her head, steadying himself incase they needed to run but to the 'walkers' they were virtually nonexistent. Daryl tore his eyes away from the horde for a brief moment and looked into her own, the green of the forest only enhancing the lime color staring back at him. Neither of them moved - not until the last corpse passed. With a deep breath, he glanced at their interlocked fingers.

"Should stay for a sec" he whispered quietly. "Can't risk any loud noise, else they'll come back"

Louise nodded at him and breathed out, her body trembling. They still hadn't let go of each other. Daryl removed his palm from the bark and ran it down her arm slowly, his fingertips grazing her soft skin. The very movement sent bolts of lightening through her body. His blue orbs fixated on her lips and before any common sense kicked in, he closed the gap.

She held her breath.

He released her hand from his hold and placed it on her neck, pulling her small frame towards him. Every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire. Her shirt scraped against the tree as he moved closer and she tugged on his vest, bring his chest towards hers.

Daryl was slow, soft and passionate: everything she thought him not to be and yet everything that she absolutely needed. They moved in sync, perfectly in time with each other. Their heavy breathing mixed together and -

He dropped his hand from her neck. Fingers wrapped around the wood of her bow and he released an arrow. It made a clean shot through the stray 'walker' and embedded itself into the tree behind it. Blood dripped slowly from the metal point as the body dropped to the ground.

Lou ran her thumb over her lips. She attempted to steady her breathing as Daryl turned back towards her.

"Nice reflexes" she mumbled, still trying to process what had happened a few seconds prior.

She didn't know what she had expected. Daryl Dixon was not the kind of man to make romantic gestures, let alone show any emotion, so she shouldn't have been surprised when he brushed the situation aside. They were both adults...and a kiss was just a kiss.

"Should get movin'" he grumbled, looking her up and down as he handed her the weapon. "Rick'll want us to leave before dark"

Almost instantly, she nodded, unable to find any words and followed him back towards Alexandria. She had never experienced such tension between herself and another human being but she found herself oddly liking it. By the time they had arrived at the gates, the sun had reached it's peak and groups were already taking off to search for supplies.

Rick stood by a dirty car, arms crossed tightly over his chest. Slowly, they walked towards him, awkwardly avoiding a conversation between themselves. Daryl cleared his throat, rubbed his nose with the back of his hand and opened the passenger side door.

"Find anything?" Rick asked, looking between the two hunters.

She looked at Daryl briefly and shook her head at Rick before pulling open the back door and slipping inside the vehicle.

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