Chapter 5 - Arrows

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Lou carefully pulled back the string of her bow. Her breath was held tightly in her lungs and her hands remained steady as she prepared to release her arrow. Her hands resisted the urge tremble allowing her eyes to focus solely on the scampering rodent that sat on the moderately high branch, unaware that the sharpened wood would end its life prematurely. She could feel Daryl's eyes on her, his blue orbs drilling holes into the back of her head as he admired her technique. The posture she held was perfect, right foot in front of the left and her arm fully outstretched ensuring her aim was completely accurate. To him, she looked magnificent.

Her fingers slowly slid from the Dyneema string and allowed the weapon to fly through the air before her, penetrating the torso of the unsuspecting squirrel and providing her with dinner for the day. The squeak that escaped its mouth could not only be heard from a few meters away but it filled her with so much pride that she couldn't help but smile.

"Yer' good at tha'" Daryl stated as Lou retrieved her arrow and threw the animal into her side bag. She nodded at him slightly, unsure as to whether she wanted to get to know the fellow archer.

"Thanks. My ol'man taught me" she smirked "Before, all this"

"He turn?"

"Yeah. Shot him through the head" she answered calmly as she tucked her arrow into the small attachment on her bow and laced it around her body so the string sat neatly between her breasts. Her eyes wondered between the orange leaves on the forest floor as the courageous man before her, as he in turn studied her. A few seconds seemed to last a lifetime. For the first time in a long time she could feel her heart beat, though it was alarmingly fast, it was in fact beating.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They all watched in awe as the beautiful creature strode across the field, weaving in and out of the dead as it tried desperately to escape their clutches. Her silky black fur danced in the shallow wind with her tale following suite behind her. The setting sun bounced across her lean body, never before had Lou seen such beauty. The long grass surrounding her was unsuccessful in taking away even an ounce of the magnificent glory she held. Her mane fell down the left side of her neck in messy waves, moving elegantly in the soft breeze as she pulled at the weeds bellow her, helping to aid the hunger she so desperately tried to ignore.

"I've been trying to catch her for months" Aaron breathed, attempting to catch his breath after the long run up the hill "Was hoping to bring her inside"

"Shes beautiful" Lou breathed, pushing away some of the branches in front of her, allowing her to see the horse more clearly.

"Her names buttons" Aaron said "The kids named her. She ran by the fences a while back, but I haven't seen her in a while"

Lou watched as Daryl's face softened at the thought of the animal being alone. Living alone in the old world was enough to make anyone shudder but in this world alone meant certain death, though she had a feeling Daryl knew what loneliness was just as much as she did. Quietly Aaron pulled a long rope out of his rucksack and prepared to catch the wondering dam.

"Let me" Lou whispered, picking up the man-made lasso and wrapping it around her shoulder. Carefully she began to approach weary being.

"Be careful. Don't move to fast" Aaron warned her as he regretfully watched through the long strands of overgrown grass.

"Don't patronize me Aaron" she harshly whispered back as she held her hand out in front of her, encouraging the scared horse to sniff the back of her dirt covered hand. "Good girl. I ain't gonna hurt ya"

As she lowered the lasso from her shoulder sharp moans echoed from beside her, startling both her and the stranded beauty in front of her resulting in a heavy hoof landing down on her shooting shoulder. Lou let out a loud grunt as she reached her hand over and applied pressure to her bleeding wound, notably oblivious to the walking dead that began to surround her. "Fuck!"

Their first proper encounter guys!

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, even if it did take 3 hours!!

Big thanks to Tenshi Okami for their comment on this story. Once again i am so glad you're all enjoying this story, it really gives me motivation to continue writing.

- Al

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