Chapter 20 - Holy Fuck

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They both stared at the screaming girl, her body mangled and half eaten by the two walkers that dug their blood soaked hands into her rib cage. With each fist-full of guts came another cry for help. Her soft blonde hair was now painted a dark crimson. The sequined animal on her light pink shirt was now ripped in half, its already-dirt covered smile now torn in two by the monsters of their new world. With a harsh sigh Lou pulled her gun from the back of her jeans and aimed, one handed, before letting two bullets ricochet from the barrel.

"Daryl she's still alive" she shouted over the gunfire, as her terrible aim caused more bullets to be needed.

It took four bullets in total to dispose of the walking dead. The first rippled its way through the right shoulder of the elderly lady, penetrating her cardigan and landing in the brick wall behind her. The second pierced through her decaying neck as she became interested in Lou, placing one foot awkwardly in front of the other and making her way forwards. Bullet number three hit it's target, slicing through the front plate of her skull and exiting through the back, letting the frail body drop to the floor in front of her. The last bullet found it's destination quickly, forcefully inserting itself into the eye socket of the teenage male student, sending him flying backwards and into the deserted classroom. His body landed with a thud, echoing through the walls of the old building as he collided with the desks.

Daryl ran towards the young girl that stood crying over her friend, the blood on her hands was fresh and it was clear she had no form of protection on her. "Yer didn't put 'er down?"

"Daryl give me your gun" Lou ushered, bending down next to the dying blonde and pulling her scarlet colored head onto her knees. "Daryl. Gun"

Quickly, Daryl placed his black gun onto her hand before taking his crossbow from his back and preparing to protect the group. As usual his hands were covered in dirt, leaving slight dark marks down the bridge of the wood as he held it at eye level, aiming towards the doors. "Do it quick"

"What's her name?" Lou asked urgently, turning towards the female who was still in shock.


"Your friend, what's her name?"

"Chloe - her names Chloe" she stumbled, finally breaking from her trance.

"Right, take her hand" Lou stated "Get down here and take her hand"

Reluctantly she student crouched next to the body of the younger girl. She took her small hand and squeezed it tightly as she grimaced at the sight.

"Lou we gotta 'urry" Daryl rushed as he listened to the growls from the end of the corridor.

"Close your eyes Chloe" Lou sighed as she nodded at the frightened girl, who was bleeding out across the concrete. Part of her debated counting down, to warn the girl of her inevitable end but then who would want to know their death was coming? Her age wasn't apparent but she couldn't have been more than sixteen years old.

Lou closed her eyes too. She couldn't bring herself to watch the life leave her eyes as the last round made its way from her right temple to the left.

Sixteen years of life, ended in two seconds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lou opened her eyes and took in the sight before her. A cold, slightly tanned girl lay in her arms, blood dripping down the side of her face and a shell placed on the ground next to her ear. In all other circumstances she would have been deemed beautiful but for all intensive purposes she was nothing but a dead body.

"Lou we really gotta go" Daryl whispered as he glared at her desperately and began shooting at the oncoming roamers. "Now Lou!" 

Hesitantly she slid the girl off her body and retrieved her pistol from the floor darting towards Daryl as she did so. She placed her right hand on his back and nodded at him signally she was ready to go before tugging their new group member away from her deceased friend and towards the nearest exit. 

Releasing bullets as they went, they rounded the nearest corner and came face to face with a hallway full of revived students. 

"Holy fuck" 

Don't know how I feel about this chapter guys but please let me know what you think 


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