Chapter 4 - huntin' rabbits

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Lou longed for a dream that wasn't filled with the horror of the world that she lived in. She wasn't naive enough enough to wish for a prince and a fairytale, those days were long since gone, but the idea of a simple life not only haunted her, it tormented her subconscious. A world in which her little girl still walked the earth was all she would wish for, yet with the dead roaming it wouldn't be completely out of the picture but she'd rather her not know her mother as the person she was now; a ruthless killer. Every day she spend slicing apart dead bodies was another step closer to losing herself completely. The thought was daunting enough to knock her into consciousness as her bedroom door produced three loud thuds into the room.

She threw the covers off herself and approached the dark oak door that resided in the far corner of her sanctuary. As she pulled the handle down and allowed the door to move towards her she came face to face with an angry looking Deanna.
"You're going out with Aaron today, he needs your help" she demanded.

Lou rolled her eyes at the elderly woman and let out an exasperated sigh before she spoke.
"Why can't someone else do it?"

"Because if you wanna stay here, you best start pulling your weight" she snapped, pointing a finger at irritated girl in the doorway.

"Fine" she said "but get your finger out of my face"

Satisfied with the arrangement, Deanna left the short girl to her own demise and exited the property in which the troubled female resided. To say she had only been here for a mere six months Lou had already made an impact in the society. Members of the civilization namely referred to her as 'the harsh one' but through all of her aggression they knew deep down that she would be the one to follow if the town were to fall.

As Lou contemplated the benefits of leaving Alexandria for good Lou threw on some moderately clean clothes that she had stuffed into one of the draws on her nightstand and aimlessly made her way through the seemingly safe streets of the community. Aaron waited patiently for her at the front gates that stood a few yards from her own sanctuary, his rifle slung over his right shoulder and a satchel loosely hanging from his left. He gave her a small cautious smile as she approached him.

"You ready?" he asked calmly, trying the read the confusing girl.

"Lets just get this over with" she stated, tossing her arrows in the back of the vehicle behind him, using the slight step to higher herself into the truck and situating herself in the drivers seat. "I'm driving"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

She watched him curiously, his cross bow slowly bouncing off his muscled back as he wondered through the trees situated just outside of Alexandria. He was careful not to make noise as he avoided the twigs and falling leaves on the floor below him. Something about him fascinated her, weather it be his desire to be left alone or the emptiness she saw in his eyes, she knew that in that moment he was in his element.

His dark brown hair fell loosely over his eyebrows, slightly covering his view of the forest yet he never once struggled to produce perfect aim. His hands and fingers never once faltered, not even a shake or a tremor faltered his flawless stance as the weapon raised sharply and pointed in her direction.

"Come out" he grumbled "Now!"

Slowly Aaron and Lou made their way out from behind the bush in front of them and awkwardly stood in front of the unimpressed male.

"You can tell the difference between and walker and a human by sound?" Aaron asked amazed as the weapon was slowly dropped to the side of its possessor. "Can you tell the difference between a good guy and a bad one? Rick doesn't seem to be much of an expert at that"

"I don't think there's much of a difference anymore" Lou breathed as she tucked her hand gun into the back of her jeans and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why the hell'ya followin' me?"

"I didn't know that I was" she mumbled in return "Out here huntin' rabbits"

"I know why you're out here Daryl" Aaron stated, gesturing towards him. "Mind if we join?"

Daryl assessed the situation appearing in front of him unsure of whether to trust the two strangers. Lou could see the cogs turning in his head before he placed his back to them and continued his walk trough the surrounding area.

"Keep up" he said "An' keep quiet"

When the dead roam - (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now