Chapter 3 - Three foot grave

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Surviving simply wasn't enough for Lou anymore. She wanted to live her life, not spend every day fighting for safety.  Her life previous to the apocalypse was spent taking care of others, small children who had no means to take care of them self; including her own who now remains lost to the disaster of the world.

Lou could feel the heat bounce of the green strands of grass below her, surprisingly they had survived the past few years without regular water. They replicated her in a way, she too knew the pain of waiting for something to quench her thirst or at least wet her lips for a little while yet be unable to obtain such a pleasure. The soft spring breeze brushed through her hair, assisting her fingers in untangling her long raven locks as she slowly made her way through the man made graveyard at the end of the confinement. Carefully, she ran her fingers across the engraved wooden cross. The carvings were surprisingly smooth despite the blunt knife that was used to draw the words.

"Hey baby" she whispered as she lowered herself to the ground and began to play with the greenery below her dirtied knees. Never before had she loved someone unconditionally and she knew deep down she would never come close to loving anyone else as much; a parent should never bury their child. As much as she knew no words would be spoken back to her, she couldn't help but imagine the soft voice of her little girl.

"I know you can never forgive me" a shaky male voice rang out from behind her.

"Yeah. You got that right" she spat, never once turning towards the slim man that stared at the small grave. "Piss off an' leave me alone"

"You can't stay mad at me forever"

Lou pushed herself from the ground, wiping the dry mud from her hands onto the ripped jeans that slightly protected her legs and scoffed at the pathetic excuse for a man in front of her. She shook her head slightly as she squared up to him, not caring that everyone confined within the walls of Alexandria could hear her and connected her hand with his right cheek. Redness appeared almost instantly as he raised his hand to his face in hopes to aid the stinging flesh.

She didn't say a word. Her eyes refused to meet his gaze as she tried to tame the anger that flooded her eyes. The shaking hands that once remained at her sides were now clenched tightly into fists as she resisted the urge the take her anger out on the body in front of her.

"You need to listen very closely to the next few words I say" she stated calmly "I will never let you forget what you did. Seven years old. She was seven years old. And you made sure her life ended before it even began"

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I have big plans for this book guys but I need some support to help keep my motivation going.
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