Chapter 16:

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After the talk I had with Carter, he assured me that he will get in contact with the girl and her family. But I felt like sitting here will drive me insane, I just can't sit around while Jamal's freedom is at stake.

I knew what I had to do and for that, I'll need Maya's help to find the girl. It would be the hardest thing I'd have to do because Carter advised me earlier not to do a thing or go near the girl because according to him, I will scare her off and she won't be as open with me as she was with Maya and the rest of their friends. Does he really not know me?

I paced up and down my room, I couldn't sleep a wink even though I had to start with an early shift the next morning. I could only think of the young girl, Jamal's case was closing in and if I can only find a way to get through to the girl and talk with her.

I wanted to get to the bottom of it all and find out if she was being forced like Maya said. I had to hear her version, it's so sad that an innocent person has to pay for a mistake that wasn't his. He was innocent and yet in the eyes of those who have no feeling nor compassion he was seen as being guilty. There are so many criminals roaming the streets freely and I don't see them behind bars where they belong.

My grandmother always used to tell me a phrase that translates to, “The prisons are full but the churches are empty,” and it was true, we find more peace and happiness in the things we steal from others, hurting others and inflicting pain.

Where is that time where we all used to rejoice and pray and sing in the house of the Lord? Where Sunday's we can reunite with our loving brothers and sisters, where we get so excited to hear the wise words of the good Lord? I think people have lost their faith and believes, but in a world we live in today, who wouldn't? Your voice does not matter. Your say does not matter. Your faith does not matter and you don't matter. Do I really mean so little in this world that I now have to be belittled and thought of less of a person?

Where is the love?

I snuck out of my bedroom and into Maya's, she was asleep and I felt awful for waking her from her peaceful sleep. But I had to find what I was looking for, and that was the address of the young lady who has accused Jamal. I tapped her against the shoulders, she mumbled and turned around in bed. "Maya, hey Maya, wake up. It's me, Drew." I whispered.

My mother was a light sleeper, any noise would wake her and she would be angry if she saw me waking Maya from her sleep. She had school the next day and after the day she had, she deserved the rest.

"What is it now, Drew?" She asked as she rubbed her tired eyes endless, her tone was off and her eyes wanted to shut yet again. But before doing so, I needed to get a clear answer from her regarding Cassidy and where she stayed.

I knew once my mother woke, she would kill me for waking Maya, and knowing she had school the next day. But surely she could have understood that this was not about me, but instead it was so that we can help Jamal out of that place they wrongfully kept him. And if I could convince her to let Maya help me in tracking down this Cassidy girl who accused Jamal of “rape” .

"You have to tell me where Cassidy lives. Carter promised me he would look into it but I hate sitting around and do nothing. Please, Maya do it for Jamal." Her eyes were now fully opened as she looked at me.

I understand that she needed her night's rest but she was the only one who knew where this girl lived and Cassidy was the only person who could help. As strange as it may be, I will have to beg and plead to the same person who had put Jamal in the situation he was now in. It all sounds too unfair that he had to be dragged into this, I can't help but wonder how this girl and her family sleep at night knowing they have put an innocent person behind bars. Was it to their amusement?

Did they enjoy seeing the suffering and pain of others? The ones who cry every night hoping and praying that justice shall be served and that one day…one day they shall see another sun rise. The blood of the innocent on their hands, is it the screams and cries and begging for help that makes them feel so empowered? Or better yet, do they enjoy playing God and decide who gets to live and tell another day?

My heart bleeds every night knowing how cold and alone Jamal must be feeling, his will to live died when he saw Mrs. Brown's coffin going down. I will never forget the look in his eyes, he was defeated and had no fight left in him and that was scary because he was never like that. His smile faded and all that was left of him was something dark and dead.

I convinced Maya to go with me and show me where Cassidy lived, the front door to my parents' bedroom was locked and thank goodness, we snuck out carefully. We could not afford to make even a single sound, phew! We got to the door safely and without making any noise.

I locked up behind me and the worst now was getting into the car. A sound that would easily alert my parents and our plan would be in jeopardy, I could hear outside my gate as someone called my name from the streets. I feared being alone in the dark and with someone now who was outside that could possibly harm us. I was cautious and wanted to grab Maya by the arm and run back into the house, "It's me, Johnny." Johnny? I was relieved, I was afraid it might be a crazy stalker and with Maya out this late made it even harder for me to think clearly.

"What are you doing here?" I walked up to the gate with Maya who followed me. Our plans would be going down the drain if he found out why we snuck out of the house in the first place. It was a very sensitive case, and I assume not even Johnny could share with us what they managed to gather or if they would let Jamal out.

"I was just making my rounds, where are you two going this late?" He asked.

"Somewhere that will help Jamal with his case. Since you're here, could you give us a ride there?" I felt comfortable enough to involve him because I knew he wasn't like most officers were, but I could also be mistaken in this case. But no matter what, Jamal's life and freedom was at stake here.

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