Lily's POV
I went down and landed on my wrist that I landed on while ice skating. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I let out a loud scream and everyone stopped hitting each other with a pillow.
"Babe! Guys stop! Lily, are you okay?" Jack said. He did it again. He called me babe in front of everyone.
"Dude, you did call her babe earlier, didn't you?" Daniel asked.
"You're focusing on the wrong thing again. Is it your wrist? From when you fell earlier?" Jack asked with concern in his voice. I was in too much pain to talk so I just nodded my head. Jack pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.
"Bro, is there something going on between you too?" Daniel asked slightly annoyed.
I don't know if it was the pain or what but I just snapped.
"Fine, yes. Jack and I are dating but none of you can say anything because if David find's out I will lose my job because I'm not allowed to have a relationship with any of you." I said.
"Called it! It was so obvious something was gonna happen between you too, I've known from the moment you met each other." Corbyn said and we all laughed, but that didn't take away from the pain I was in. A tear fell from my eyes as I cradled my wrist.
"I think you need to go to the hospital." Jack said, wiping the tear from my eye.
"No I don't, I'm fine!" I said standing up acting like I was fine. I really wasn't though, and it was so obvious. Jack was right, I definitely did need to go to the hospital. I just really don't want to go.
"I'll come with you, you know. You won't have to go alone if that's what you're worried about." Jack said pulling me into a hug. I just nodded my head. "I'll go tell David what happened and where we're going." Jack said leaving to tell David.
Jack came back and said he'd called an Uber and it was on its way and would be here within 10 minutes. Jack and I said bye to the boys and decided to wait in my room so I could grab a few things. David was fine with Jack coming with me, however he was annoyed that I never told him I'd hurt myself sooner. However, Jack and I would be alone so we could actually be a couple for once, even if I was in hospital.
The Uber soon arrived and Jack and I made our way too the hospital in Germany. When we arrived it was 5:36pm so it wasn't too late. The boys didn't have a show again till the next evening but they had rehearsal all day tomorrow to make sure they were ready for their show on the evening.
My name was soon called and I was taken for an x-ray on my arm. Jack wasn't able to come with me and had to wait in the waiting room for me to be finished. I came out and was asked to follow the doctor to a different room to wait in but Jack was able to come with me so I wouldn't be alone any longer.
"Thank you for coming with me, you didn't need too if you wanted to get some rest." I told Jack while getting comfy on the hospital bed I had been given while I waited.
"I had to come with you. You're my girlfriend and I could tell you didn't want to go alone. And don't worry about that, I'm not tired and hopefully we wont be here for much longer." Jack replied sitting on the bed next to me. It was currently 9:57pm. We had to wait ages for an x-ray as the room was very busy. I could tell Jack was tired but so was I so I was hoping not to be too much longer.
By the time we left the hospital, it was 1:24am. I had broken my wrist in two places but luckily it wasn't bad enough for me to need surgery to fix it. They put a blue cast on my wrist and told me to take it easy and to go back to the hospital in America in eight weeks to get my cast taken off but the hospital said they would send all the paper work over.
By the time we arrived at the hotel, Jack and I were both exhausted. We had been awake for so long and all we wanted to do was sleep. Jack walked me to my room and I told him to go back to his shared room with Zach but he refused so he stayed with me for the night. He said we'd use the excuse that it was late when we got back and he didn't want to wake Zach up because he would've been asleep. He also said that I would've need help as I couldn't use my hand much over the next few days even though I had to take photos at the show tomorrow because I couldn't let the boys and David down and because nothing was going to stop me from doing the job I loved to do...

This Isn't Professional || Jack Avery
FanfictionA new job. A new city. A new life. Lily Johnson has a new job with one very important rule... What will happen if she breaks the rule? Started February 2019 Finished July 2021