Corbyn's POV
"So what's up Lily? What do you need to talk to me about?" I asked as I sat on my bed. I have no idea of what she could possible want to talk to me about.
"I need to tell you something but you cannot tell Jack that I have told you because he doesn't know I'm going to do it." She says.
"Should you really being doing it then?" I asked with a slight laugh.
"Corbyn, I'm doing it so he doesn't get in trouble because I love him, but I need to tell someone so at least one person knows what I'm doing and why I'm doing it." She stated seriously, sitting next to me on my bed.
"Okay..." I gave her a questioning look.
"I'm just going to say it because it's easier. I'm pregnant! Jack and I went to the 12 weeks scan this morning but you cannot tell anyone yet because only Jack, me, you and Maddie know and I don't want anyone else finding out until I tell David. Which is why I'm going to tell him once we've finished talking. But I'm also going to quit, and say that the father was a fake one night stand so that Jack doesn't get in to any trouble, only I will be in trouble with David. I also don't want anyone finding out until nearer the time, so in a few months." She explained. Wow, that is a lot to take in.
"Well congratulations!" I said as I pulled her into a hug. "But do you really think that's a good idea? Telling David that Jack's not the father? Also quitting? Lily, you cant! You're the best photographer we have ever had! We love you so much!" I replied.
"I love you guys too but I have to do this. I cant tour with you if I have a baby. I will still get to see you all and hopefully, if I quit, Jack and I can be together and the fans can know and I won't get in to any trouble and neither will Jack. It will be okay Corbyn but I have to do it. Which is why I am going to do it right now, I'll see you later bean. Don't tell Jack or anyone else please. Thank you!" She pulled me in for a quick hug and left without another word being said.
I stood their in shock for a few moments before I walked out of my room and down the stairs as Jack was shouting for Lily to come back but she never did. She drove away.
"Corbyn, what happened? What was that about?" Jack asked in a panicked tone. I didn't reply for a few moments until Jack shouted my name.
"Corbyn! Where has she gone?" Jack shouted.
"Dude, she told me. And she's going to tell David now. She's quitting her job and she's going to tell him it isn't yours so you don't get into any trouble but she will, she's doing it to protect you man." I explained. I could not keep that secret, especially not from Jack. He needed to know. He didn't reply. Just grabbed his keys and he was gone.
Lily's POV
I made my way to David's office and knocked on the door ready to hand my notice in so that I could leave my dream job. I had thought for so long about my decision but I knew it was the correct one.
"David?" I asked as I walked into the room.
"Lily! This is a surprise! What can I do for you?" He replied, gesturing for me to sit down. I closed the door behind me and took a seat in front of his desk.
"I erm- I'm here to hand my notice in." I say with a frown.
"What? Why?" He raises he voice which makes me jump.
"I'm pregnant. It was an accident but I'm keeping it." I replied quietly.
"Do you know how the father is?" He questioned while rubbing his temples. I looked down, playing with the ring on my hand to distract me from the lie I was about to say. I didn't want to have to say it, but I needed to protect Jack. He deserved to be in the band and travel the world. As much as it was my dream, Jack deserved it more.
"Its-" I started but was cut off as the door flew open.
"I am." I heard a voice say.
"Jack, don't do this. Not now." I said in shock as I stood up from the chair I was sat in. This was hard enough as it was. I didn't need Jack getting into any trouble.
"No, Lily, I have too. We're both responsible for this and I cant have you taking all of the blame for me. David, it's me. I'm the father of Lily's baby. We've been dating in secret for the last 11 months and they have been the best months of my life and now I cannot wait to have this baby. It's not just Lily's fault, it's mine and I'm going to be there for both of them, regardless of what you say. You can't fire Lily for this and she cant quit. You've seen how much the fans love her work! This whole relationship was my responsibility. It was my decision to ask her on a date and it was the best decision of my life." Jack explained as a tear slipped from my eye. I don't know whether it was what Jack had just said and done or whether it was the hormones that was making me cry.
"I don't know what to say. Lily, it was in your contract that this would not and could not happen." David started. I was definitely about to lose my job. "But since you have apparently dated for almost a year without me knowing then I guess I cant do anything to stop it. However, you both cannot let this get in the way of your work. A baby is a huge responsibility and will take up a lot of your time but you have to still put your time into the band and photography. Otherwise, there will be much more severe consequences. Do I make myself clear?"
"Of course!" Jack replied. And with that, David was finished with us and told us to leave as he had more work to be getting on with.
"I cant believe you did that. I was going to lie so you wouldn't get into any trouble. I had a plan and everything. I'm guessing Corbyn told you, even though I told him not too." I said with a slight laugh at the end.
"Yeah he did and I'm glad he did. I couldn't let you take all of the blame for this Lils, we're in this together and it was my fault mostly, I was the one who made us happen, even though you said it couldn't." He told me.
"And I'm so glad you did make it happen!" I said then kissed him. "I'll meet you back at yours, I love you!" I said as I got into my car.
Jack and I arrived back at his at the same time.
"Haha, fancy seeing you here! That's such a strange coincidence!" I said sarcastically as I got out of the car at the same time as Jack. We laughed and made our way up to the house.
"Hey, we're home!" Jack shouted as Corbyn ran into the living room to come and see us.
"What happened? The rest of the guys have gone out and no one knows, just like you wanted. Are you still our photographer? Are you mad at me for telling Jack?" He asked very quickly.
"Corbyn, calm down. Jack explained to David what happened, he wasn't pleased but said he wouldn't stop us as long as we still continued to work as much as we could. I still have my job and of course I'm not mad at you bean!" I said pulling him into a hug.

This Isn't Professional || Jack Avery
FanficA new job. A new city. A new life. Lily Johnson has a new job with one very important rule... What will happen if she breaks the rule? Started February 2019 Finished July 2021