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Lily's POV

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... MERRY CHRISTMAS!" We all shouted in unison. 

It was officially Christmas day! The boys and I were all spending Christmas together for the first time ever. The boys had never officially spent Christmas together, however this year they wanted too! We had all waited up until midnight so that we could say merry Christmas to each other.

"Oh well, my birthday is officially over but at least it's now Christmas." I sighed as I cuddled into Jack. My birthday had been amazing! Jack and the boys made me feel so special and we had the best day. And now it's Christmas day! 

We were all watching Christmas films in the living room but I could feel my eyes getting heavier. 

"Do you want to go to bed? You look so tired and I can feel you falling asleep on my shoulder." Jack tells me. I didn't reply, just nodded my head. This pregnancy was making me so tired I was around 20 weeks now. My bump was still pretty small so that was good. None of the other boys knew yet and they weren't going to find out any time soon. Not until they have to know and I cant hide it anymore. I don't want any fuss over it.

"We're going to go to sleep so we'll see you in the morning, night guys. Merry Christmas!" Jack explained as we got up off the couch. The guys all said goodnight and we returned them as we made our way up the stairs to Jack's room.

As soon as we got into his room I got into bed and was about to fall asleep when I heard Jack begin to talk. I didn't move and kept my eyes closed so he wouldn't know I was listening. I felt him put his hand on my stomach as he began to slowly rub it.

"Hi baby, I'm your daddy. I'm going to love you so much and I can't wait too meet you in a few months! You're going to be so spoilt and you have the best mom anybody could ask for. She's so beautiful, and kind and loving and I hope you turn out just like her. You are going to be so loved by everyone and I'm going to protect you, and your mother, in every way I can because you're the most important people in my life. I'll love you both forever!" He said as he kissed my stomach at the end.

"You're going to be such an amazing dad!" I whispered as I sat up, wiping the tear from my cheek.

"You heard that? I thought you were asleep!" He states, pulling me in for a cuddle.

"Of course I heard it. It was so cute and we love you too!" I replied as I kissed him. 


"Wake up! It's Christmas and I want presents!" Jack said as he kissed me so I'd wake up.

"Okay, but 5 mor- nope!" I shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom to throw up. My morning sickness was starting to go but there were some days I'd wake up still feeling nauseous. Jack ran to my side and held my hair back like always.

"I'll be okay! I'm good now!" I said, getting up off the floor and brushing my teeth. "Lets go wake the others up!"

"Zach... Zach... ZACHARY!" I shouted as he shot up from his sleep.

"Huh?" He mumbled.

"Get up, it's Christmas and I'm making breakfast for everyone!" I shouted as I left his room. Who's next? Daniel! 

"Daniel! Get up, i- Oh. Good morning Dani! Merry Christmas and I'm making breakfast for you all!" I told him. He smiled as I left. Lets get Corbyn up!

"Corbyn, Corbyn quick!" I whisper yelled as I shook him. "Something's wrong, my stomach hurts and this doesn't feel right." I said as pretended to be in pain, hunched over, holding my stomach.

"What? What's wrong? Are you in pain? Should I call an ambulance?" He asked in a very panicked tone as he grabbed his phone and got out of bed.

"Nope, just joking, I'm all good! Merry Christmas and I'm making breakfast!" I laughed as I left his room.

"That's so mean! I was so worried, I thought something had happened to baby bean!" He yelled.

"Definitely don't refer to it as 'baby bean', it makes it sound like it's yours!" I laugh.

"Oh god, I really didn't mean it like that!" He replied.

"Love you bean!" I chuckled as I left his room.

"What was that about?" Jack asked as I bumped into him in the hallway on the way to find Jonah.

"Oh I woke him up by telling him something was wrong with-" I pointed to my stomach. He just laughed and walked to his room.

"JONAH WAKE U- Jonah? Where are you?" I asked confused as he wasn't in his room. 

"I'm right behind you!" He chuckled making me jump.

"You were supposed to be asleep in your room so I could wake you up and tell you I'm making breakfast!" I whined.

"You want me to go and pretend to be asleep so you can do that?" He asks, smiling.

"Not anymore!" I sighed and stormed off.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen so I could start to make breakfast for everyone while they got ready. I decided on pancakes because they were easy to make. The first one failed but the first one always does, right? The rest of them came out perfect and the boys loved them and so did I. I got up from my seat and collected the empty plates from everyone so I could take them to be washed.

"Here, I'll do that!" Jack said with a smile as he took the plates off me.

"Thank you sweetie!" I said as I collected the empty glasses and made my way to the sink to wash them.

"You cheeky fuc-" I shouted as I dropped a glass and it smashed. I felt a huge kick in my stomach as I felt my baby moved for the first time. Although it was the best feeling, it hurt. I looked up after being hunched over and everyone was looking at me.

"What just happened?" Jonah asked as the boys made their way over to help clean up the glass that had broken.

"Sorry, I just had a sharp pain in my stomach, almost felt like a kick!" I said the last part looking at Jack with the biggest smile on my face. I placed the other glasses I had in my hand on the said before leaving the kitchen.

"Jack I need to talk to you quickly!" I said pulling him upstairs so he wouldn't miss this. We made it to his room and I immediately put his hand on my stomach so he could feel this miracle too. Soon enough, there was a little kick as our baby moved around in my stomach.

"Jack, we did that." I said as a tear of happiness slipped down my face.

He wiped it away and smiled at me as he kissed me.

"Jack, should we tell our families? I want them to know! Just your parents and sisters and my brother and sister!"

"I think we should! That would be the best Christmas present ever!" 

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