A visitor for Simon.

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"Simon, may we talk? Simon? Look at me, Simon."

Simon's face lit up, and he tried to smile, but a gash formed across his lips. A red gash. Teeth stained with nicotine and tar smiled back. Simon nodded and nodded again silently. 

"Simon, it says here....", (looking down now),"I can see you were there that night. Inside the rocket, and a telescope? Am I right? Simon?"

Simon nodded and tried to smile again, but his face leered and he stopped.  

"Simon, were you aware that your eyes had looked upon government property? You weren't supposed to look upon that sight-- Simon? Simon?"

Simon looked up again, with death's smile imprinted upon his face. Simon nodded and tried to frown. But the edges of his lips sagged.

"Simon, why did you look upon... What I presume was File #10099999111 of Bothowei.... Simon? Simon?"

Simon opened his mouth, and licked his thinly stretched lips. The masked smile gave way to his regular thin features. 

"No, no... I didn't know... I didn't see.... I didn't know.... I didn't see...", Simon repeated and repeated.

"Simon? Simon? That'll be enough. Simon? Simon?"

Simon nodded and nodded again.

"Then, what did I see? What did I see...? WHAT DID I SEE?", Simon yelled, nodding frantically, pointing his finger to the table again and again, fast in rhythm, "WHAT DID I SEE?!"

"You saw nothing, Simon. Simon? Simon? May we calm down? Simon?"

"They sleep and night, and I do not know when or why, but I see with my comforts in hand and worldly desires away from them, and I can see... I can see... They see... They see... I will not, and but, yet, so, I do not, I stay, marveling and wondering, what shall I learn, what shall I see, with my deterministic eyes and attitude, but yet, I do not, but, yet, so, I do not, I do not know why..."

"Simon? Simon? Cooperate with me, cooperate with me, Simon."

"I frantically did, tried, did and tried, what shall I do, my mouth, lips, slurring, I stop, I stop, I will, perhaps, no, maybe, but I see, I can see.... I can see.... the hallucination? No, no, sharper than any hallucination, clear as day, but I saw, and see, hallucinations truth, things are not...."

But the visitor was already gone.

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