Behind A Screen

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A large banner wavered through the weaving wind. People flooded the small store, and musky scents fixated through the dim-lit aisles.

Arnie held his uniform upright and gazed at the ever stretching line that stood in his view. Bad breath and thick coffee made him frown. He sighed and called out,


Thick-Soled rubber shoes tapped the travertine tiles. A face full of pocked acne and dead skin flew into his view.

"Hi.", The old man said.

"Hello! So what are you doing at customer service?", Arnie replied.

"I'd like to know where my grandson is."

Arnie rubbed his forehead.

"Your grandson?"

"Yes, He was here shopping with me ", The old man said.

"Alright, when did he disappear?", Arnie inquired.

"Nearly an hour ago."

Arnie cringed silently.

"What's your child's name?", Arnie asked.

"Nick Roberts."


Arnie yanked the mic and switched it on.

"Nick Roberts? Nick Roberts! Please come to the customer service desk, your grandfather is here! Nick Roberts!", the speaker crackled with phlegm and slurred input.

The old man sighed and he walked off and sat down. Another customer streamlined into the front desk and pulled a sweater out.

Customers passed and minutes sprang by. The store siphoned out products, and people exited and came into the store.

Arnie looked at the clock and snatched his belongings.

"Wait, sir!"

The old man sat there looking at Arnie.

Arnie clenched his teeth and nearly slammed his head onto the table.

"What are you still doing here?", Arnie asked.

"My son, remember? He's still missing."

"Right! right-. Your Son! I'll find him for you."

"I remember seeing him near the clothing aisle.", the old man said.

Arnie rushed toward the clothing aisle and shuffled through the shoe section. Clothes rappelled away from him and he dug like a manic mole.

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