The Light From The Eyes

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George Cudgel sat in class when he noticed light.... coming from people's eyes.

They glinted and shone green. All of them were the same color and the same glint. The same light occurred from every eye, both of them, like lasers... When George took off his glasses, he still saw the lights. They wouldn't fade from his mind, nor would the lights stop.

They were bright. He'd only seen similar lights in an electrical workshop where they fixed lightbulbs. Sometimes, the bulbs popped and exploded, shards of glass would erupt, but before that... a giant flash of light would appear. This was the sort of light he saw. All of them glared and stared. When he raised his hands, they would be enveloped in light.

"Hey Pock", George tapped the boy ahead of him, "Stare at me..."

"What?", Pock curled his face into a frown.

"I mean, Stare At Me..."


"Just do it..."

"Fine, I'll stare", Pock looked at him.

He looked into the eyes again. Crystals of white shattered, blinking as it expanded across his field of vision. It twirled into fractals while the crystals divided, refracted, and absorbed light. His eyes shone along with Pocks... The classroom faded away and disappeared. Was this teleportation? Was this Heaven?... The eyes were turning, and the light was fading. It turned dark until light dotted the world above him in star-like formations. They twinkled, and he felt around him. Nothing... He was in this dark, dark world. Him, George, standing in nothingness. The first of creation, nothing. He was in nothing. No air to breathe in, but he didn't need it...

He stood in the void, and waited, tapping his toes, whistling, but nothing.... Nothing at all...He shouted, and yelled... But no light appeared... The light from someone's eyes... He needed that to escape, but there was no one...

"Hello! Hello?!"

A voice echoed through the air, crystallized, silky...


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