Stuck In A Cubicle For Hours And Hours And For A Life

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I sat in my chair and slumped.

My life, living in a nice homey cubicle. Thousands of people lived here near me in Sector A-B on earth. It was a choice of safety over crime, diseases, and many more. I typed away at the keyboard and continued to clack away at the keyboard.

The poster of John Yukiokl saluted to me with confidence, the philosopher who had thought of such a great idea.

I continued to type and clicked away at the keyboards.

"Attention, all attendants of Sector A-B of Planet 1 we are experiencing difficulties in the feeding system!", the announcer coughed and smiled on the ceiling, "So we are feeding food through the liquid tubes!"

The announcement stopped and then quieted down to a low whir. I saluted to my comrade and continued to type.

After working for several shifts, I ate lunch and sat at the small table. Chomp! the paste tasted amazing. I could taste nothing, but artificial sweeteners and fruit. Strawberries and Sugar pasted the roof of my mouth and sparkled in a fizzy display.


"Hmm?", I looked up and saw the telescreen flicker.

"Hello! Comrades, Sector A-B has a new curfew 6:00 outside time has been shortened to a low ten minutes, enjoy today!", the announcer smiled and blinked.

The telescreen blinked into oblivion and I sighed.

Grabbing my coat, I walked into the transportation tube and awaited a blur. The tube whirred and spun with winding fury. Sighing, the button clicked and released a huge burst of air.

SHoop! The tube flew outside and I landed on a large grassy lawn. Thump! the tube retracted and became limp.

I jumped up and began to walk. It was empty, nice, and quiet. The wind blew past and raked some leaves onto the road.

I enjoyed the expansive neighborhood and-

Snap! Bzz! Crackle...

"What the?"


Everything turned dark and I bumped into a wall. Smash! Something flew off of me and my head felt lighter. I opened my eyes and they turned blurry.

"Ahhh!!", I screamed. A round metal cylinder smashed into my thigh and I groaned with pain. My hips cracked against the tight space and my eyes adjusted.

"What?", I looked at the ground and looked up.

Light shone from a dim lamp and a treadmill whirred. Pipes surrounded me, edging constantly closer. I screamed and saw an even dimmer light exiting out of this dim room. I sprinted toward it and saw a long hallway.

It stretched out onto a flat road into a long corridor. I grunted and climbed up the steep slope to the dim room. The hallway creaked forward and I steadied myself before hurrying into the room.

CrickKkKkkkk... The hallway creaked forward and I looked at the room.... 

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