Inside The Black Hole

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Slowly rotating, the torque of the station spun clockwise like a sharp constantly spinning dagger.

Space blended with the perfect swinging motions of the plasticine hull of the Council of Sargon. The council was a powerful group, with administrative power and an iron fist to uphold laws.

Sargon's upholding fist was the image that stood in front of the space station's windows.

Spinning constantly through the turmoil of the angry benevolent Utikques, a massive ball of gas that fixated its rays towards the shimmering station.

Bustling through the white rod were people. Many of them were sitting around uplifted chairs that reached up high. The cylinder slowly rotated with them, slowly transitioning the seats to fall to the ground slowly.

Falcon Alder stood beneath the angry commission and bequeathed a small token of gratitude, by bowing.

The Council of Sargon looked down upon Falcon and he looked up at their serious, yet humble faces.

Falcon Alder was a mercenary for hire, who had been with the Council for many years. He had helped them take over Sargonius, a stumbling impoverished city that had been recently citing protests and attacks against the Council of Sargon. Falcon Alder grinned quietly.

"Falcon? We ask you, as our most trusted member, to take care of this ..... problem- we've been having."

Falcon nodded and the council member continued.

"You see, we've noticed that the sigmoid yellow patch has constantly been affecting trade in this region."

"It's been killing crews and destroying ships.", nervously muttered a council member.

"Yes, yes. Well, we've been hoping that you could "take care of it". Yes?", the council member asked.

"What's the price?", Falcon sighed.

"We'll pay you sextuple digits every time a crew member dies, with your default fee of course.", the council member replied.

"Pleasure, I'll take a large crew with me, and tomorrow I'll set off toward the patch.", Falcon replied.

"Thank you.", the council member said.


Their ship stood humming, as a group of calibrators set the ship toward the yellow patch. It would sling them toward the swirling, mixing, and strange thing. The ship's compartment whirled forth and feet pattered toward the inside of the spacious, yet small, ship.

Falcon sat at a small comfortable cushiony chair. The ship slowly thrummed to the whirring warp engine.


Crew members sprinted forward and continued to head inside the small ship.

Click! Slowly the compartment closed, and the crew members boarded the ship.

The launching mechanism clicked into place, and the group of calibrators watched behind thick plasticine windows as the gears flipped and the compartment launched forward.

Rockets thrust out of the ship's armored platings and held the ship in a linear pattern. The ship jittered with rocket's stabilizing it at every turn. Sensors whirled and the ship's computer quickly held everything steady.

Whirrrrrr. Beep. Beep!

The ship's leg's quickly retracted and they entered the sigmoid patch.

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