The Future Of Alexander...

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Alexander opened the door for the three, each of a divine type, with wings of gold growing from their backs. He bade them welcome and led them to chairs. The night was fresh, heaven descended from the sky, and he stared at the view for a moment until he treated the three.

"So," Alexander looked at each of the things, creatures from space, with a golden glow that lit the room up. They'd flown in a journey from the Sun, where the city of fire lays, and into the abode. In a journey rivaling the journey of Manheld, they had arrived.

"So", Alexander repeated, "Bring me what you've come to bring."

"We don't bring the Physical, but bring knowledge, knowledge of future times", one said.

"In my hand lays the thoughts you'll think, and the future you'll see. The future you'll suffer."

"Then let me see", Alexander looked into its palm. An orb with the chaos of dreams, but the same allure. Each spouting random events, like a broken bulb, blinking with the same energy. But, instead of glowing, it flared, like flames around the sun. Rings of fire that turned.

He touched the orb and hefted it into his palm...

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