5,000 A.D. whence time has no matters.

9 4 1

"Great Being wishes all of Star: Sun a good.... afternoon", said Central Leader, "Great Being stands tall, wishing for all, caring for all, he is... Greatness...."

"Great Being wishes all of the Star: Sun a... good.... afternoon", the Central Leader droned on and on, repeating those words again and again on Planet: Earth Of Ciraxus, Great Being 2.

"Do you have it?", one of them said, with a broken earpiece, "Have it? Do you?"

"Trigger and the... thing....is ready. Soon, soon....", another said, with a broken earpiece.

"Great Being, Great Being, all they say, with Ikarus gone, and now we have Ciraxus. What do they care? What do they care...."

"Shush...Shush... If Great Being heard you... Just hurry the .... thing.... up."

"I have the ..... thing..... Please hurry, please hurry. No time to waste. Nothing else...."

"For Ikarus, none for Ciraxus...", one muttered, getting the trigger ready. A great sphere covered the sky. Of cosmic proportions, greater than the sun, blocking the sun, eclipsing the sun...

"Get it ready... Get it ready..."

"Sector A, Sector B, trains setting, planes going, weapons firing. The sphere in the sky..."

"For Ikarus, Great Being 1!"

"For Ikarus!"

"For Ikarus!"

Eventually, the great sphere eclipsed the sky until no light appeared. Then, they let themselves collapse and die. They lay in a heap. 

The sphere floated and remained, replacing the sun.

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